Sunday, January 8, 2012

What would you do in this situation? some more answers desperate here?

I agree that it was wrong of you to choose to keep the child soley based upon your feelings for your man. You knew HE wanted children, and you knew YOU did not. Sometimes it just takes some time to grow "into" a situation. I did not want a child either. I know I am not a children kinda person. After I chose to keep and raise my 7yo daughter, I will admit, it did take me some time to admit my feelings for her. I felt just disconnected from her for a good yr or so. I was just going through the "moves". I faked it until I made it. She was my responsibility, and I upheld that responsibility w/a smile on my face...but I was NOT smiling on the inside. It wasn't until she started to do stuff like, walk and talk, and get personality, that I fell in love w/her and motherhood. Now, I cannot imagine my life w/o her. So, yes I do not believe you are alone in that aspect. I think alot more people are out there then are willing to admit that they were "happy" about becoming parents. Children DO have a way of "growing on you", so I wouldn't stress t0oo much over it. Give yourself a break...will ya? You are in the midst of changing just about every area in your life. It will take some time to get used to it and become accustomed to it to where you have actual happy feelings about it.

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