Monday, January 9, 2012

Need help with writing a paper for english?

I need to write a paper about one of the topics below using skills to apporach it in an objective non biased way. I am allowed to have some degree of choice but I can not take sides in a partisan debate. I need to find a debate in the American popular culture and investigate the verious defintions of the major term(Word or phrase) around which the debate revolves. Then after that I will make a arguemtn for a specific and detailed def of my term. Bascially I have to berifly summearize the connotations and conflictiong def that surround the issue citing and paraphraising and summarizing where necessary. Also I need to argure for and support a specific def of the terminology surring the debate or issue, and by doing so make a case that the issue should be seen in a psecific way.

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