Saturday, December 31, 2011

What is the storyline behind Cirque du Soleil's "O"?

It is really not so much a story line as it is a theme. O pays tribute to the magic of the theatre whether it is from the simplest street performance to the most lavish of operas. The show emphasizes that anything is possible and the realization that the drama of life plays itself out right before our very eyes

Did me and my friends see the Jersey Devil in Michigan?

Ok, IT was in Brighton, MI and we were walking in the Dark on January 22ed. AND... the Jersey Devil is mostly found out of New Jersey on January 16th- January 23rd. (AND THIS IS TRUE I AM NOT LYING, ON DRUGS, AND THIS WAS NOT A DREAM, SO IFYOU'REE GOING TO LEAVE ARESPONSEE AND SAY "YOU GUYS ARE ON DRUGS" I AM NOT GOING TO BE HAPPY!) And we were walking away from the woods when i got the chilly feeling at looked back, there was a dirty white thing behinde us. It was about as big a a Labordor. (IT WAS NOT A DOG OR RABBIT!) It has hinde likeish legs and a weird tail. It's face looked like a horse. It was walking weordly like looking around on its hinde legs. Two of my other friends said that they saw it too, and it EXACTLY what i said it looked like. (and it WAS NOT my imagination) and my other friend senced the preasence of something. And it followed us, but when i looked back the third time, it wa gone. But the hole way back, it seemed that is was folling us but you just couldn't see it. Then me and my two friends did reaserch on the Jersey Devil. FOR A LONG TIME. and then in the morning we got up ate breakfast, and went back out. When we got to the "Jersey Devil sighting" there were hoof prints in the snow and THERE IS NO DEER AROUND!!! i am not lying if you want to say that we are, go do something else. So really..... and we saw that there wasn't many more sightings after 2006.... SO DID THE JERSEY DEVIl get a new color? Tell us what you think

What Can I Expect At The Clinic?

You will most likely have a chat with the doctor, physical examination and mammogram/scan. Not sure how long you will have to wait for results but rest ured cancer at your age is very rare.

My friends male Persian cat wont mate with my female Persian cat?

A friend of mine gave him his 2 year,3 months old cat to mate with my female 2 years,8 months cat. They're both pure Persian cats and are registered Pedigrees. The male cat although younger, is bigger in size. They've been together for a week now. I know the female should go to the male's house and not the other way round but that was not possible. My female cat is in heat and is obviously interested in him, however; he is quite shy and rarely approaches her except to sniff her behind. I would adopt kittens instead but where i live, there aren't any shelters to adopt from. We've already discussed the possible scenarios if my cat gets pregnant and are ready for whatever number of kittens that may arrive. How do I entice the male cat and encourage him to mate with the female cat? And is them staying together for a week but not mating, normal?

What do men think of divorced women?

I'm 23 and have never been married and have no kids. I'm "talking" to my ex that I've been exclusive with for 3 and half years, but we broke up back in February and are working on getting back together....just trying to work better on communication and friendship. He is 26 and never been married. We were engaged to be married last May, but things didn't work out financially and we weren't living right. Anyways, there's this skank from his work that is 25 with no kids and just got divorced from her husband. She liked my boyfriend before and tried to get with him, but he told her he was with me and to stay with her husband. He did say that he thought she was attractive, but he couldn't see himself with her because she doesn't want kids and stuff. Well now we are broke up and she is divorced and trying to come after him again. My ex still has my engagement ring and still talks to me. Should I be worried about her? Sorry, I know this may be a little weird or immature...I'm just kinda worried:(

What is a crowd like at a Death Cab For Cutie Concert?

Going on June 27 in Columbus. Part of me thinks there are going to be a lot of females or a lot of frat boys. I'm sure hipsters are the norm to.

Do Airport security check travellers for intrastate travel, and has anybody experienced it?

Yes. They neither know nor care where the flight you're getting on is going. Nor can they know whether at that flight's destination you will board another flight, or whether you will hand something off to someone who is boarding another flight. So nobody goes to any gate without being screened.

Why do I get canker sore and cuts in my mouth when i go out drinking?

Its been happening to me for years. I go out about every 2 weeks drinking with friends and have a few smokes.... and the next day the insides of my mouth are in pain. Cuts / bumps on my tounge, canker sores cuts on insides of my cheeks.... why?

How much jail time can u recieve for poss. of a firearm by a felon in NC?

My friend just did a yr. in prison for poss. of firearm by felon and a small drug charge, he hasnt even been out a full yr but has recently been charged with the same thng. The lawyer he has is telling him he wont recieve any prision time but i dont think that sounds right, we say in NC.

20y for MBA / Law?

Low GMAT, no work experience, very small chance if any of getting into a top MBA school. When you apply to a joint program you have to get accepted by both departments. I do not see that happening at any of the top schools. Looks like it is time to get some work experience (or just go to law school and then get some experience as a lawyer and then apply to MBA school when you are ready)

What is mixed strategies answer the following problem?

Consider the payoff matrix pictured to the right (known as a coordination game). Here one player chooses the row and the other chooses a column. The row player receives the first payoff, the column the second. If row opts to play A with probability 1 (i.e. play A for sure), then he is said to be playing a pure strategy. If column opts to flip a coin and play A if the coin lands heads and B if the coin lands tails, then she is said to be playing a mixed strategy, and not a pure strategy.

English Essay Need Help?

In "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner", The Polar Spirit's fellow demons describe him as follows; "the spirit who bideth by himself/in the land of mist and snow,/he loved the bird that loved the man/who shot him with his bow. Write an essay yzing the role these lines play in the poem. Why are these lines important to the plot? What poetic effects does Coleridge use in these lines? What tone is created by the poetic effects?

I need to know the title to a song. All I know is the begining lyrics are My shorty, ain't like yours.?

I know that it goes, my shorty ain't like yours, my shorty, she on the floor. It's a dirty song, I know that. And it talks about swimming in the girls. uhum... haha, I'd just like to have the title and singer to the song please.

How do I ask if this boy likes me?

Today I sat down in Latin and I noticed that the back of the chair in front of me had "I <3 (my name)." This kind of startled me. Anyway, I asked my teacher who sit in my desk during second hour (the hour after mine). She named a junior boy I know and kind of have a crush on (but he is not aware of it). I figured that the boy must have written it, as my Latin clroom is used only for the first two hours of school. I am pretty sure that the boy wrote it, but one of his friends could have been fooling around, so I would like to ask him. I don't want to seem accusatory, overbearing, or make myself look like a fool if I just up and ask him. What should I do?

Plastic surgery question. I am a burn victim....?

Welll look i was burnt when i was three so i understand but mines healed and look normal now. Try makeup to conceal the edges and they might look a little better but make sure to be carful during plastic surgery its going to be there for life like a tattoo so choose wisley

Did the release of President Obama's long-form birth certificate discredit the so-called "birthers"?

Now that our current President has released his long-form birth certificate showing he was born in Hawaii in 1961, how much credibility do the "birthers" have regarding their (supposedly discredited) claim Barack Obama was born in Kenya instead of the U.S.? Was "birtherism" based upon a lie, a fraud?

Do i have to take my husband to be to court for families first help?

Like a lot of people me and my husband-be ended up parents before the actual wedding date which would be fine but were going through so tough time he lost his job due to the tennessee job market fall and my unemployment is about to run out.I was wondering is there anyway i can get families first with out taken my husband to be to court we live in the same apartment and we were suppose to get married but due to the money situation we have to reschedule it. and every book or website says i must fallow child Support requirements. Can someone please help me?

In the statistical case that a near earth asteroid does hit a area is there time for a last prayer?

In many cases, you will only have spectacular fireworks, when the asteroid is too small to reach Earth.

My sister's husband committed a very serious offense causing a rift in the entire family. My sister believe?

My sister believe in her husband innocense and sever our relationship. My mother's sister has continued her relationship with this man and my sister and participates in all events with them. She says that we are all her family and loves us the same. We have minimized our dealings with her and ist when she is in need, however, my husband, children and I resent her attitude; we believe you can't serve two masters. My daughter (who was the victim) is getting married and I don't want to invite this aunt to the wedding. I want my daughter's wedding to be a loving and peaceful event. Would it be wrong not inviting her? We are not inviting my sister and her family either, and this is very sad because her children (my nephews) wouldn't come. This is such a mess and I'm very stress about it. Please help!!

Is God against having premarital / masturbation?

I am a Cristian boy and have had that question on my mind for ages. I have heard so many diffreny storys and explinations but I don't know which is true.

Why does the British government give more rights to EU citizens instead of British Commonwealth citizens?

Using simple logic, does not the British Empire and Commonwealth have more ties to the UK than all of the other EU countries (excluding the Irish Republic)? Why do EU citizens have more rights than loyal British subjects who had ties to the UK i.e. Canada, Australia, New Zealand, West Indies, etc.? Canada have been a British colony since 1497--should not Canada have more rights to live and work in the UK as an English-speaking British Dominion within the Commonwealth than someone who cannot speak English and lives in Romania? Why do Romanians, Bulgarians, Czechs, etc. have more rights to emigrate to the UK permanently than someone from the Old Commonwealth countries (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, West Indies, Rhodesia, etc.)?

Does anyone else think they need to outlaw crotch rockets?

I was just driving down a busy city street and again almost hit a crotch rocket. I was behind another van. I drive a minivan with two small kids. There was a group of 5 or 6 idiots on crotchrockets. They were swerving in and out of traffic. It was like a race to them they were putting everyone on that road in danger including my children i don't take that lightly. This isn't the first time either one of these days i'm gonna end up plowing one of them some day and it will be their fault.