Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Misscariage and dnc. how long will my daughter be in the hospital?

Just lost a baby a 20 weeks , had to be in hospital for 4 days and I am steal on bed rest even two weeks after. It all depends on why she lost the baby. Our baby had a blood infusion and gave it to me so that is why it has taken so long. Go back to Dr. in AM so maybe I'll be able to get back to life.

Im am deciding to buy one of these 3 paintball guns sp-1, tippman custom 98 with a.c.t or the spyder xtra?

I am looking for the best paintball gun for a $180 or less. Mainly for speed and accuracy. And I think these are some of the best guns please help me find one.

Japanese feudal system?

the Japanese feudal system is set up around an exchange of privileges and obligations. what did each group ( samurai, shogun, daimyo, and peasants) gain? What were each groups obligations?

False Teeth or the real McCoy ?

They're able now to insert Dental Implants which look like real teeth. Go to www.savemyteeth.com for a Dentist near you which uses dental implants to replace real teeth.

Can some body show me to make an aplication in this place ?

i work in the avocate lutheran general hospital in the linen area but i whant to take a partime in the firs shif in other area and I know that now there is a opening in other area in the same hospital but I have no idea how can I make the aplication.I have to make it only in the internet can you show me how can i do it. please

Who is that guy on CNN who always yells about things?

I don't recall anyone from CNN in Iron Man. But the only one at CNN who fits your description is James Carville.

Will obama cause the 2nd Great Depression of America?

Honestly, I don't think he will. He will spend money, that is what he promised to do and a lot of people (including me) voted for it. I hope the next president after him will then focus on our deficit.

Just started reading twilight ?

ive just begun to read twilight and its frickin boring im on pg 80 boring does it get intresting further up im at when bella gets sick and ed brings her to the nurse idk if im going to like this book

OUCH! canker sore?

u can buy coldsore/cankersore medicine and any drugstore (walgreens, cvs, etc.) & it doesnt hurt. just put it on a q-tip and dab

What is the oldest clan Scott tartan?

Well see when I watched Star Trek my favorite character was Scotty, and in this one episode he wore his grey Scottish kilt for making some sort of diplomacy with alien foreigners, along with Kirk, and Spock (who wore the diplomatic uniform). And since tartans back then didn't get to the Lowlands until the 17th century or 16th century (where the Scotts were a border clan and had territories in the Lowlands), I was wondering if the Scott's Grey tartan sett was one of the most oldest tartans.

Planning easter egg hunt?

i'm planning an easter egg hunt for the grandkids but, i don't want to put the same candy in these eggs as they will have in their baskets what would you suggest? we are not using real eggs for either, the kids either don't like them or have allergies to eggs, so that's not an option. i was thinking pennies?

Okay I have a question about disabiliity (SSI and SSDI) and please don't get offended?

It might look like the person doesn't want to work when they are actually able, and that might sometimes be the case. However, because "the system" can sometimes be complicated, it also is a risk to take a job if there is a possibility that it deoesn't work out and you have to return to getting disability. Even if you are ultimately eligible, it could take a couple months or more with no income. So, sometimes fear of not having resources to live prevents people from taking advantage of work opportunities.

Do these works cited look okay?

Those look ok to me but I am not great at making work cited pages but in every one you need to tab the any line that comes after the first in a cite. So like on the first one you should tab anonymous and the page number lines.

What do you do when an 80+ year old man with severe dementia that I take care of steals my car and crashes it?

I take care of this old man who stole my car the other day and wrecked it into a tree....He is fine.... however, my car is not.

Please help me figure out this old IDIOM or something similar to it...?

It goes a little somethin like this...."Why are playing in the ________, when you could be ________. I've heard it before off a movie or somethin. It basically mean why are you settling for second best when you could have the best for yourself. Has anybody ever heard this saying or something similar?

Christians: Who do we blame when we are tempted?

Satan tempts us through 3 ways > Lust of the eyes, Lust of the flesh, and the Pride of life. A really good temptation is something that falls into 2 or more of those categories. Pretty are to resist. God doesn't tempt us to sin. Satan does. Since sin is present in everyone of us, it is easy to blame it on God. But in reality, it is our fault and no one else. Free will is not such an easy thing. It's great in theory, but harder in application.

Wats with these birds Falling from the sky ?

Sounds like tat tv show flashfoward ... It's really freaky with all does fish dieing too and maybe were next !! DonDonDon!! I think it's time we colonise another world to get away from this planet !!

Will Obama campaign's tactic of telling the press that him and Bohner are about to make a deal backfire?

Why does the liberal media stick with it even though it is plainly obvious a lie given John Bohner's statements on other media outlets?

Where can I download 'the Phantom of the Opera' for Free?

I love watching the Phantom of the Opera - starring Gerald Butler and Emma Rossum. I can't seem to find it anywhere.

Who else sees this happening at Unforgiven during the Women's Championship match?

Candice wins the title back like she really stands a chance against Beth. They build up Candice and make her look like a true champion... and not just eye candy because she "over came the odds." If u read the story for them at unforgiven on wwe.com, it pretty much hints at what they are trying to do with her. I may be wrong however, (Which I hope cuz Beth is more deserving) and Beth may have this reign as an undefeatable diva where she falls 2 a weakling diva along the line. I hope she wins and her and Mickie continue their feud from last year. But anyway... I just bet the WWE will do something stupid like that feed us Candice Michelle because they are trying to turn her into the next Trish.

How could an explosion have occured adjacent to where the plane struck the south tower if the plane's fuel ta

in the videos of the plane striking the south wtc, an explosion occurs NORTH of the point of impact after the plane strikes. Most people probably ume that the fuel/fuel tank was housed in the nose of the plane, and that it therefore makes sense that the explosion would occur near the nose of the plane when the fuel tank ruptured. But the fact is that most planes, including the one that struck the south tower, actually carry fuel in their wings. I am not a conspiracy theorist, but I really don't see any way the explosion could have occured where the nose struck (north of the impact zone) when the fuel which caused the explosion was located in the wings of the plane (east and west of the impact zone). Shouldn't the explosion have occured to the east and/or west of where the plane struck (since that is where the wings/fuel tank were)?

Why do some object so intensely to SPONTANEOUS ideas like, "Let's have Pancakes for dinner!" ?

I'm not sure....We have had pancakes for dinner several times...it's just fun for the kids....we also do weird things like have "p" dinners (pizza, peas, popcorn and pink milk( strawberry)) It's fun and educational for pre schoolers.

Is my chihuahua possessed by demonic beings?

My chihuahua often stares off into space, as if sensing an interdimensional opening revealing eerie demonic beings. Then he will bark and growl at entities that I cannot see. Should I contact a priest, or attempt a home-made exorcism using garlic and holy water?

Has anyone else noticed that tailgating is now such common practise no one seems to even know its dangerous ?

If people could just stick to the rules of the road it would be so much more pleasant for everyone. Why for some people do they find it so impossible to behave and be responsible when they get behind the wheel. Road humps, speed cameras, we all have to suffer because of the idiots that speed and drive dangerously.

Cute ideas for growing out bangs?

Hello! A few months ago I experienced a ton of hair breakage right around my bang so now I have these teeny little bangs under my regular bangs. I can't really just wear my hair down without it looking weird. Does anyone have any cute ideas to hid breakage like this? I've been braiding it a little but I can't really braid my hair for work. Thanks!

What historic event happened in your life that blew your mind?

it is still 911 for me...but i guess it is becuase i was alive to see it...and watched it happen as it happened on the news...and i had friends/family in the building...tragic event...

How do i stop the pattern?

I have a problem with a few of the women in my family a couple on my husbands side and one on mine. People tell me I have a way of making them feel better and a way with advice and it makes me feel good to help people but it has turned into me being like their counselor. My problem is they only ociate with me when they need to recap what has happened to them and ask my advice and it wouldn't bother me so much but I used to be close to a couple of them and now I feel like I am their employee. I am sick of this pattern, it is in my nature to try to help, but I don't want any part of this anymore how do I say you will have to handle this on your own without feeling I am being selfish and mean?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Are you, or do you know indivudlas or organisations who may be, interested in investing in a start-up airline?

unfortunately, after 15 years of studying the airline industry....it really is one of the worst business's to get into. And the way they make their books look always amazes me.

Need help with writing a paper for english?

I need to write a paper about one of the topics below using skills to apporach it in an objective non biased way. I am allowed to have some degree of choice but I can not take sides in a partisan debate. I need to find a debate in the American popular culture and investigate the verious defintions of the major term(Word or phrase) around which the debate revolves. Then after that I will make a arguemtn for a specific and detailed def of my term. Bascially I have to berifly summearize the connotations and conflictiong def that surround the issue citing and paraphraising and summarizing where necessary. Also I need to argure for and support a specific def of the terminology surring the debate or issue, and by doing so make a case that the issue should be seen in a psecific way.

Runescape constituition question?

okay so i trained mage from lvl 57-58 while constantly teleporting to camelot.i noticed that i didnt gain any hitpoints experience.how do i regain those lost hitpoints experiece.does that sound confusing? i mean if i'd trained from lvl 57-78 mage on monsters instead of teleporting constantely,would have gained constitution experience.how do i gain by the experience that i could've gotten if i'd trained on monsters.

Could there possibly be some spiritual reason why Earth and Ur are so different?

What are the reasons, even spiritually, why the Earth flourishes and Ur looks like it got hit with some giant space bidet even before Anno Patrobertsoni? They share the same solar system and yet are and were diametrically different. Why?

How do i ask a friend out ... known her for bout 5 years!?

Hi.. i have this friend who im absolutely in love with for the last 4 years... around a year back i kinda asked her out but then backed out coz the whole situation was pretty odd coz i generally used to go blank at the sight of her.. anyways is there any chance i can ask her out again without causing any rifts! if yeah any help on how?? (i dont go blank anymore btw)

Why is everyone like this?

Everybody believes themselves to be much nicer and courteous than they really are. People tend to mistreat others regardless of themselves not being liked treated that way, but seldom do people think about this when it's right there. People may do something to another consciously or sub-consciously and may tell themselves it wasn't that bad but when that same action is done to them, they then feel the real brunt of it and become defensive. So why're people like this?

Thanksgiving quarrels and drama//help?

Sounds like you should just go to your parent's house. Yes, alone. When I was 20, I used to drive 6 hrs to go visit my parents - and I drove it alone.

Why would she hide it from me for 8 months?

You're both single. You both are interested in dating other people. I say, have a discussion and formalize it. Agree with each other that your relationship is not to be exclusive going forward, subject to revision in the future if you both change your minds.

I just took oxy contin?

I just took 30Mg today and I'm going to the hospital to get bloodwork. What should I do? Drink water?

Atheists in the Usa Christians vs Muslims and Islam?

Why would atheists defend religion. Those religions try to force others to their views by trying to p doctrine as law (anti-abortion or anti-gay marriage rights). Also religions are pretty flawed when they cherry pick which parts they follow and which parts don't apply anymore, especially if their religion was the "correct" one from it's inception.

Are you ever embarred to be part of a still superstitious society?

I don't mind the society part so much as the family. I'm related to some of those clowns, and fairly closely, too.

Are deniers laughable or just pathetic with their latest scheme to make all climate science look fraudulent?

Yesterday there were attacks on physicists and every day they attack mainstream climate science. Will they end up doing damage to science as a whole in their attempt to continue the unsustainable burning of fossil fuels.

Funny dumb blonde joke?

One night we were having church when the lights went out. We were all looking around trying to find the problem when my Blond Aunt Debbie ran outside. In just a few short minutes she came running back inside the church and as serious as she could be, said, "Hey you guys my lights are working in my car.

How can i enable the security of my internet when it's currently unsecured?

The thing is that i lost the configuration cd that came with the internet modem and everything. It's a DSL modem and I have a Verizon connection.

I was indirectly served, the paperwork was given to a distant relative.?

I (actually a distant family relative was on my behalf) was served by a firm working on behalf of a credit company. My hearing is five days from now, this is how distant we are (He got the paper work three weeks ago and never told me). Is there anything I can do to reschedule the proceedings.

Flyer for a computer maintenance business?

I have a company to install, repair and maintain computers and networks. I do houses and companies. I offer monthly maintainance contracts to keep all the comps in a company running smoothly. I'd like to increase sales with a nice leaflet. Please suggest the wording and/or design of it.

I have a question... for cops if possible...?

If you ever have reason to suspect the person you are dealing with is not a cop you can ask to speak to their superior officer. He or she at that point must call to have their superior come to the scene. You can always ask for the cops badge number as well. Also in this situation they cannot insist they drive you home, all they can do is insist you do not drive yourself home, but if you find yourself in this situation let the officer know that you would rather call a friend and have them drive you home. You can remain in your car, but the officer will also remain on the scene until your ride comes. There is also a number that you are supposed to be able to call to check if a cop is indeed pulling you over. I forget the number sorry, but the basis behind it is, the incident you have discribed is happening more often and to protect people especially women are recommended to call this number. All cops have to call in to dispatch and let them know that they are pulling over a vehicle with the make, model and license plate number so the number can let you know indeed it is a cop pulling you over they just radioed it in.

Play list for a mage,?

I disagree with your current playlist a bit. I'd suggest something a bit more new age. I suggest Jens Gad's album "La Spa Sonique" or clical Mexican style pieces. If these don't interest you (or her), I guess your current playlist will suffice, considering you know A LOT more about your girlfriend than I do.

Where did this come from?

The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster was created to make a point about "education" in religion. Or more realistically, religion in public school education. A couple of useful links are below. Note especially the eight "I really rather you didn'ts," which are a good bit better than the Ten Commandments.

What is the chance of survival of cancer?

My mother recently just got diagnosed with cancer, she wont tell me the details because she doesnt want me scared and she cries often about it. It is tered to many places in her body (multiple cancers) and I would say it could be stage 3 or 4 cancer. What are the chances she would be able to get it off, using any method such as chemotherapy. She had it cut out of her rectum, she has it in her , and maybe ovary or lung. Forget about the lung and ovary though, is it treatable?

Have any of you climate deniers ever seen a movie called, "An Enemy Of The People"?

Steve McQueen served as both star and executive producer for this film version of the drama by Henrik Ibsen, which was adapted by Arthur Miller. When Dr. Thomas Stockmann (McQueen) discovers that a tannery has dangerously polluted a hot spring in his community, he feels that it is his duty to share this information with the people. However, a number of prominent citizens (including Stockmann) intended to use the hot springs as the centerpiece of a health spa, and Tom's brother Peter (Charles Durning), the town's mayor, contends that a clean-up of the spring would be impractical, expensive, and would scare off potential customers. Stockmann is still eager to share his story with the community, but the town council is determined to silence him, and in time they turn public opinion against him. The outcry against Stockmann's activism eventually ruins his medical practice and drives a wedge between Stockmann and his wife Catherine (Bibi Andersson).

Marine zoology?

Well, do you love animals. Dont do something that you will want to get paid. Become something that you will enjoy and enrich your life. I speak Russian, spanish, and am learning ukrainian. I plan on becoming a linguist. I enjoy what i do. Do the same. Find out what your abilities are and work hard. Nothing is out of reach when he strive for your dreams. Good luck.

Anyone have a Photo of a 1981 Chevy Bel Air? Coupe, sedan, or wagon?

Wikipedia, G.M., and the auto parts web sites all say that they exist, but i cant find one photo of them anywhere. I know as much as they were built in canada, don't know if they stayed there or if theirs a few floating around the U.S.

How do I talk to a really good musician in my school?

Just ask him how many songs he can play tell him your trying to learn a certain song and ask for help(:

Disappearing Positive on First Response test?

any positive result, no matter how faint means that you are positive. I'd check again in the morning with my first pee just to be sure. BTW....i used first response and got nadda....i used clear blue and got a + result.

Is it possible depression is one of the causes of Alzheimer's/dementia?

I'm just wondering cuz several of my clients who have Alzheimer's/dementia have lost their spouses and/or children not long before they started showing symptoms and had to be placed in a home. Some people I have seen who already had it declined rapidly after losing a loved one.

My 1982 Honda Nighthawk 450 is sputtering at takeoff. Whats Wrong?

okay well i bought a 1982 honda nighthawk and it only has 8300 miles and ive rode it now for about 2& 1/2 weeks ran GREAT but i took the pipes off where it splits half way down and started it and it ran for maybe 6-7 minutes and put them back on; now all the sudden it is sputtering at take off and its only if i give a little gas. if i hammer it it runs fine but its just at the beginning of the throttle. ive put new gas in it, bought new plugs, and im stumped... normally im good with this stuff but i just cant think of anything more unless there is something clogging one of the carbs a little but other than that i dont know. any advise would be great, i will be happy to try anything at this point.

What Did You Think Of "I Love NY 2" Last Night?

New York has lost her mind. Tailormade is such a jerk and should have been kicked out as well. 20 Pack is hot and deserves to be with a cly lady and not a golddigging skank like her. Opinions?

Should school shootings be considered self defense?

If a school covers up a vicious beating you received from the jocks its obvious that they have little to no concern for your safety and the popular kids aren't helping you out either.Many school shooters said the people they shot were out to get them.If you have reason to believe that someone is out to get you and you know that no one is going to stop him shouldn't that give you the right to get them before they get you?

I just got engaged a few eeeks ago wanted to do something y for my new finance,?

I brought a white little skimpy maid outfit with stocking and a garter and tie up undies,i have a bottle of wine and candles but i have no idea how to do this im really nervous and ill need the wine :) but i want to be real y and confident..pls help :) i need help now pls :)

What underpant's do you like the best!?

My girlfriend prefers bikinis or boyshorts rather than thongs or g-strings. I tend to agree with her, as I like the fact that the knickers she prefers leave a bit to the imagination!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

How long can a person live with end-stage cirrhosis?

My Grandfather has lost all muscle tone (skin droops off his arms), has turned yellow, very thin and his speech is now a whisper. He eats very little, and he usually throws it up every 3-4 days. He sleeps alot, is very teary when my Grandmother leaves him, and is quite confused with the time and the day. He can no longer walk. How long do you think he has at this stage of cirrhosis?

Guys & Girls - I refused to give ... am i wrong? Help?

any kind of ual act is and must be consentual. If you dont like doing something in particular....there is no reason for your partner to be upset....if he likes having and you dont care to do so...you all need to reach an agreement on what you will and will not do....if he cannot accept those terms, then something very important is lacking in your relationship...

Should i go to UC Irvine? why or why not?

i am a high school junior right now wanting to pursue a career as a pediatrician. i would like to know if UC Irvine is the right school to go to; to become a pediatrician. if not what school would you recommend? Thank you. =)

What would you do in this situation? some more answers please..im desperate here?

I agree that it was wrong of you to choose to keep the child soley based upon your feelings for your man. You knew HE wanted children, and you knew YOU did not. Sometimes it just takes some time to grow "into" a situation. I did not want a child either. I know I am not a children kinda person. After I chose to keep and raise my 7yo daughter, I will admit, it did take me some time to admit my feelings for her. I felt just disconnected from her for a good yr or so. I was just going through the "moves". I faked it until I made it. She was my responsibility, and I upheld that responsibility w/a smile on my face...but I was NOT smiling on the inside. It wasn't until she started to do stuff like, walk and talk, and get personality, that I fell in love w/her and motherhood. Now, I cannot imagine my life w/o her. So, yes I do not believe you are alone in that aspect. I think alot more people are out there then are willing to admit that they were "happy" about becoming parents. Children DO have a way of "growing on you", so I wouldn't stress t0oo much over it. Give yourself a break...will ya? You are in the midst of changing just about every area in your life. It will take some time to get used to it and become accustomed to it to where you have actual happy feelings about it.

City water gauge moves slightly. Is this indicative of a radiant in floor leak?

One month ago I purchased a patio home with hydronic in floor heat. Recently as the electric mini boiler was running and feeding newly heated water through the pipes I noticed that the tiny triangle of my city water gauge was moving ever so slightly. (No other water was being used during this time). Is this indicative of a leak in the piping somewhere or is a miniscule use of water normal? If this is indicative of a leak what should I do next?

Pregnancy weight gain?

I have never lost in the first trimester. i'm nearly 18wks and have also gained 9lbs, sounds perfectly normal, especially once bump starts popping out it can make you feel frumpy rather than pregnant. In a few weeks baby will be much more of a bump and less pudge, but if you are worried, now you are feeling a little better, gentle exercise is a good routine to get into, and will help burn that extra choccy bar you treated yourself to. remember the 200 calorie rule, try not to increase your intake from your normal diet to more than 200cals extra, and you should be fine. All the best xxxxxx

What to do about the birthday party?

OK, this is one of those dramatic friends not invited poor me kinds of things that I hate. But yeah. Okay, so I have three friends, Sue, Mary, and Ann. Sue is throwing a birthday party, and she invited me and Mary. She's really good friends with Ann, but her parents hate her (Ann, not Sue) and won't let her invite Ann to the party. Because of this, Sue really doesn't want Ann to find out about the party. So for Sue's present, Mary and I are pooling our money to buy her a Toyota (not really, but I think you get my gist). Ann knows about this, but she thinks we're just giving it to her at school. She wants to put her money into the pool, so we can get her a Porsche or something. She thinks we should all give it to her at school, but then how will Mary and I give it to her at the party? Rewrap it and tell her to act surprised??

Lil Wayne and the Grammys qn?

rap stopped being good in 1997. i wish we could get the US's top 20 rappers, put them on a plane and crash that plane into a rap convention.

Medical Help Please (Throat)?

Okay... so it all started a few days ago. (about 3 or 4 days ago) And my throat has been killlllliinnnnngggg me since then. My tonsils don't look too swollen and there are no white spots. I went to the doctor a few days ago and she said that it was just a virus and that my throat looked fine... but it still kills me to talk and especially to sing. Any tips OTHER THAN gargling salt water on what to do??? thanks guys


So I'm starting to give up hope. I feel like this baby is never going to come out. I want her out now! This will be my 2nd c-section. It's scheduled for Oct 12th. My doctor doesn't think I will make it that far. The last 5 days I have been contracting. The last 2 days I have had this horrid rectum pressure along with extreme pain to the point where I can not move. I cry every single day at least once. I can't handle the pain any more! I went into labor and delivery last night to get checked. I was having contractions every 2-4 minutes but they were small, very little pain. Im just a finger tip dilated. They said because Im having a repeat c-section that they would deliver me if I was 2cm. How in the world am I going to make this work? I've been walking and having . Keeping busy around the house. I've been squatting as well. The and walking just makes the pressure worse and the contractions come. But Im sick of going to the hospital and then they send me home because Im not dilating. I also have been having this trickle feeling in my l area like something is leaking. But every time I go to the bathroom, Im dry. PLEASE HELP. input something... please... Im desperate. I don't want to cry anymore with this pain. I want her out!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you bothered that Biden threatened to leak information about U.S. covert ops?

Biden has brain damage from his double brain anyersums. This is why he won't release his brain scans with his medical records. Biden has Tourettes Syndrome so actually he wants Palin to be VP because she would be an advocate for him because of his disability.

I need help with a conversion or dimensional ysis problem. Here it is: Carl Lewis, a sprinter, in the 1988?

Olympics Games, ran the 100 meter dash in 9.92 seconds. What was his speed in feet per second? I need help setting up the units and writing out the equation. I know there are many different ways of setting this up but please show me how you would do it and thank you so much for your help!

What's the name of this movie?

It's a movie about a woman who moves into a big fancy house, I think somewhere in the U.K and two children live there a boy and a girl cause their parents died and they live with a nanny I'm guessing, who's rude to the woman at first... Mmmm thats all I can remember and at the end the children drown in a pond and the lady goes crazy and there's like a bright light of some sort. It came out a few years back and I cannot remember the name and it's driving me nuts, please help (:

Fanstasy help please....running back troubles?

JAMAL LEWIS ... because he will go crazy on his EX team the RAVENS lol i just noticed dat wow hes gonna demolish

What are some good RPG games for PSP?

My suggestion is that you get a DS, which has many RPGs, like dragon quest and pokemon, not to mention others. The PSP isn't really made for RPGs, it's better for Action games like God of War and Metal Gear, though Kindom Hearts Birth By Sleep is a quality, non-action game, it still isn't an RPG technically. So yeah.

How long do you have to keep industrial bars in?

Finding information on Sports and sports products might not always be easy, this is actually pretty common. We had several people being in the same boat as you. But when they tried the source below they were very satisfied. You might want to look into that option.

College Advisers Are Useless?

Maybe it's just this way at my school but the college advisers are useless. I was supposed to take a cl called ENG305 which apparently used to be called ENG308. The name was changed and my adviser didn't believe me when I said it was now ENG305. I even printed out an official letter from the dean confirming the change in name. She didn't believe me and told me to stop making things up. She also scolded me for only taking cles only on tuesdays/thursdays. She said it was "very unusual". I had to spend an hour explaining that I car pooled with my friend and all of our cles have to be on the same days. I don't own a car so I don't have a choice. It's not just me either. My friend's adviser aggressively demanded to know why she wasn't interested in studying abroad. He practically brought her to tears as she explained that she couldn't afford it. At my school advisers are mandatory and they have all the power. They have to approve your schedule each semester otherwise you can't sign up for cles. You can only sign up for cles they approve. If a cl is full you have to go back to them and ask permission to sign up for a different class. I have another friend who's adviser wouldn't approve his request to take a summer class. Her reasoning? "Graduating early isn't in your best interest." That makes no sense. How do advisers treat students this way and get away with it? It seems to be a big problem at my school.

What natural products can I put on greasy hair?

My hair gets greasy after one or two days and I hate using products like mousse, hairspray, baby powder, etc. to lengthen the time between washes. I feel it damages my hair and I want it to grow long. What can I use for my roots so I don't have to wash it so often?

When the Polar Bears float on their ice rafts to Hawaii (by 2008 = "Global Warming") will the Penquins mind?

This is a question that has come up recently in my advanced course of Enviromental Catastrophes of the 21st Century at Colorado University taught by Professor Von Algoremeister. We need the egologically correct ysis on this issue so that we won't fail this course by actually having another point of view. I hope that I get the answer before there is no more snow around to shovel (every Winter--can't understand that either!) here in Missouri.

Am I asking too much from lenders?

My wife and I are in the process of buying our first home. I am using a builder and lender from the same company due to the incentives that are included. The salesman from the builders is extremely helpful and harped on how the company strived for high reviews. We are doing something called a "quick close" which means we have little time. It seems as the lender always waits for me to call to tell me updates and if they need anymore doentation. I would think that they would call me as soon as anything came up to keep me up to date and help expedite the process since we are short on time. Is this normal? Is it normal not to know if one has the loan until just before closing?

I started smoking when I was eleven, can't stop, now I'm 28.?

I started smoking at eleven with my older sister at church. I try quitting but I always go back to it. I want to stay quit because the health benefits outweigh the thrill I get from smoking. In about 7 months I will be 29. I want to quit cause I know that I'm destroying myself. I have a family to live for and I feel I can be a better father figure if I quit. I will have more energy ya ta ya ta ya ta, etc. thank you Please could some one with a decade of quitting smoking let me know what I can do to stay quit.

Help with Spyder Xtra??

Im just getting into paintballing and want a starter gun. Ive thought over Tippmanns so i dont need any suggestions for them. The Spyder Xtra seems to be a solid gun from the reviews ive read. However one problem is that people have said that it is around 300 fps out of the box and i dont want to mod it to my field standards. The only reason i am getting a XTra is because of the min expansion chamber. I dont know if its that effective but if i splurge and buy a HPA/N2 tank, should i switch to a Spyder Pilot or Sonix maybe even an electronic? Im very confused here because im sort of a control freak and i have to know every single detail before i buy anything. Also, i would like to know if the mentioned guns can take a 3000psi tank... Last question..whats the differece in the 3k and 4.5k psi tanks? i Mean i know that they are different Psi's but how do they effect the gun? Thanks

Is 6 foot 1 to tall for motocross as far as gripping with the knees?

I'm 16 and like 160 pounds when I'm in standing attack position on my 04 kx 125 my i feel like i have good grip but my knees are a little above the seat. Am i to tall to ride or race.

Calling all feeding know it alls: Need your best random, little known factoids about nursing?

Women with Type I diabetes prior to their pregnancies tend to need less insulin while they feed due to their reduced sugar levels. feeding mothers tend to have a high HDL cholesterol (Oyer 1989). The optimal weight loss, improved blood sugar control, and good cholesterol profile provided by feeding may ultimately pay off with a lower risk of heart problems. This is especially important since heart attacks are the leading cause of death in women.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Why did ecw draft gregory helms just be be a backstage interviewer.?

if he wanted to take a break they should of put him next to jim ross on smackdown and put someone like william regal on ecw

Christians - Are we our Brother’s Keepers?

Cain asked this question in response to God's question, "Where is Abel thy brother?" God did not ask Cain where Abel was because He did not know. God knew that Cain had killed his brother. Cain replied, "I know not..." This was a lie, for Cain knew that he had just killed his brother. Cain's question, "Am I my brother's keeper" was intended to deceive. It revealed a cynical and hardened heart.

Did anybody watch "The Unusuals" tonight on ABC at 9:00/10:00PM?It's a great new show.?

Or is it 8:00PM/9:00PM?It's about a team of off beat cops who handle the most unusual cases in New York city from murder to catching cat thieves who steal real cats.One cop is killed and his partner tried to find out who killed him while covering up his indiscretions; 1 finds out he's dieing and in the same time finds out angels are saving his life any time he's about to die. HIS partner is scared he will die like his father, grandfather and uncles at 42 years old(which he just turned); 1 more is a born again Christan who acts like he wouldn't break a commandment but did when he(or somebody he's working with) killed that other cop. All and all it's a great show.

Helppp which prom dress?

I'm thinking definitely #2 :) and some cute silver throngs (gladiator shoes) would be super cute they usually don't have heels and there quite dressy and easy to play up or down so over all the entire outfit would be re-usable YAY RECYCLING!!!!!!

If Iran refuses to turn over the 15 British sailors and marines, is this a declaration of war?

We must learn from the lessons of history. When that fool Neville Chamberlain believed he could appease Hitler and it would stop him, look how that turned out. The Iranians have refused to stop enriching Uranium despite overwhelming international demand, and now they illegally seize 15 Britons. Is it time we stop showing weakness and do the right thing and stand up and fight? or should we remain cowards and continue appeasing the enemies of the civilized world?

How can I get my GSD to stop running away and chasing deer?

I also have a GSD and have a terrible time with recall. This is going to sound stupid, but our trainer told us that when we see her about to go to start running in the opposite direction screaming her name kind of panicky. I thought it sounded so weird, but we've done it with our dog and it ACTUALLY works! I feel stupid doing it, but she gets so worried that she comes running right behind me. He said the whole idea behind it is to make the dog feel like it needs you instead of you needing it. Anyway, hope things get better. I think it's really good you're not giving up on her! Good luck!

Am I psychic? I don't understand?

It's really freaky, before something happens I can always sense it. Not all the time though. 8 - 9 months before my grandmother died - I sensed someone was going to die in September. I was also searching about omens that day. I just ignored it. And now ever since I've came back home - I went to another country - I always felt uneasy in my apartment, always sensed something, always wanted to sleep in my parents room. Well those apartments were like 70 years old. If I told my parents they would say ... oh it's nothing, it's probably the scary movie you watched. The only thing I haven't told them was about my grandmother. See, I love her, but nobody though I remembered her, but ever since I was 4 - I had a really good memory. I don't know why, but it is so hard to talk about her. Whenever I try to, I stop myself. I don't know why.And also I'm so scared to even my parents about this - nightmares and stuff like that. Now I moved to a new apartment - it's been one month. And I feel very relaxed here. It felt so peaceful and happy. And I'm always able to sleep in my room. If if something I sensed was my grandmother, why would I feel so uncomfortable?And is it possible for her to come to America with me. Oh please. I need help. The best I can do if give 10 points, but I am willing to do so much more if I have the most informative answer.

What is the United States Achilles heel?

Right now I would say it is the slow economic recovery coupled with Obama's foreign policy. I believe if Obama does not take a stronger stance internationally with Iran and North Korea along with improving America's economy then the only way these issues will be solved is through war. My feeling America is looking allot like America from post WW I - the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

I'm afraid to sleep, due to nightmares?

You really need to see your Dr.....prolonged lack of sleep is dangerous to your health, you obviously have issues that need resolving, i believe in facing your demons in your dream, its a good thing, rather than running/turning away.

Really intense pain in shins after running?

you are experiencing shin splints. i participate in my high school track and field team and i get them often after i run for a certain amount of time. There is no cure for it but you can prevent it. I recommend getting the proper footwear, maybe some nice comfortable running shoes from a local shoe store.

Christians, if Catholics and most Protestants reunited, what would you do after that?

I'm Catholic, and am not interested in "converting" Protestants. They're already my brothers and sisters in Christ. As for non-Christians, they have the freedom to believe what they wish. I would hope that Catholics and Protestants could unite to relieve some of the world's suffering. The Mennonites, Lutherans, Episcopalians and many others have amazing charitable programs; combined with Catholic charities, we could really make a difference.

Why do I make children cry?

They had to find out eventually. I did the same basic thing when I was twelve but it was because i was cold and grumpy, not because I wanted to ruin christmas for five year olds. You maybe want tp talk to somebody if you're so mean you have to ruin the hopes and dreams of the innocents. You suck and should feel terrible about yourself :) On the other hand, perhaps you have a five year old who ruins your hopes and dreams daily... in which case I totally get it

In one word.What title of ignorance has deceived the minds of the academically successful?

In spite of the easily obtainable abundant knowledge of doented undeniable facts and matters that when expounded upon clearly depict past present and future characteristics, traits, and attributes of occurrences and individuals of such profound significant nature with great implications that failure to call attention to would be equivalent to mutiny, treason and betraying of all that humanity's conceptual universally translated meaning human rights consist. What great ignorance has persuaded knowledgeable humans to forget their own quality of life can never ascend beyond ones ability to selflessly give, to foster to nurture others humanly. This ignorance wants humanity to belive a preposterous lie that evil is superior to good. Let those that prefigure and participate in the calculated intolerable premeditated crimes against humanity take heed . When the enlightenment awaken the human multitudes their ill gotten empire will crumble like a castle of sand. Wave after wave truth will deliver their well earned just reward.

Do you find this weird?

my friends took a photo of me asleep hugging my teddy and sucking my thumb whilst they were sleeping over at my house and they all said i looked adorable and all this it was sooo weird then they all have it on as their laptop desctop walpaper thingy at school ( our school gives us free laptops ) and they have it as there walpaper on there phones and even as a photo in their school books , it is kinda embarrasing especially because i was wearing elmo pajamas and hugging a teddybear and sucking my thumb but they show everyone do u think its weird or is it just me and they all call me their precious little baby ?????????????????

My life sucks ... HELP ME LEARN TO DANCE PLEASE! im hopeless.....?

i cant take dance cles and im to embarred to ask anyone for help... please help me.... like i don't even know the cupid shuffle or whatever, cotton eye joe, or the electric boogie.... im doomed.... if you could just give me sites with VIDOE i promise 10 points :) please.....

Do people who are incarcerated get to surf the internet?

Some do and some don't... depends on the State and their rules. In Missouri, inmates do not have computers, let alone Internet privileges.

I scd a layer of skin off my hand, It's leaking a bit, Help?

The yellowish liquid may be simply the water and ointment you put on it, or the yellowish tinge could potentially be puss (not necessarily though), and it may be watery from a natural source like sweat. When you wash it with water and soap make sure to thoroughly dry it (keep in mind that until it scabs water does get beneath the skin since it is opened). Apply the neosporin a few times a day and keep it covered constantly, it is a big myth that uncovered wounds heal faster than covered wounds it is actually quite the opposite. If you notice discoloration around the area that is not from an initial bruise and/or deposits then see a doctor as it is infected. For the moment follow those directions, and keep an eye out on it you should be just fine.

I find girls with spotty or freckled arms y. is this normal?

Yes. Of course. I find pretty guys y. If all people had same opinion about appeal, They would all want to marry the same person.

Why is my best guy friend actin like an A**??maybe u boys can help!?

My best guy friend and I got romantice for a short while and he told me a bunch of stuff about how he liked me and this and that only to dump me right after and say he only wanted to stay my friend... but then I got back with my ex who he doesn't like too much. And now whenever I talk about him or any problems that he and I (me and my ex) he says stupid stuff like "just go make up with that lil maggot" and "hope it works out...or not!" and one time I was talking about me and my ex and he was like hey check out this girl for me and he sent me a pic of a girl for me to tell him whether I thought she was hot or not... I was like ok yeah she's pretty. Then I'll ask him what he means and he'll just leave or stop talking. So I sent him a message asking why he does that stuff about me and my ex because now he makes me happy, but he only read it and won't answer!!! What's his problem?? why's he actin like this he left me!!!

When baking a fruit crisp (oatmeal kind) how do i get the crisp, crisp? mine is always cake like and soft.?

i remember a fruit crisp in elementary school and i can not find out how to make it. the topping was chewy, crispy and not soft cake like. i have thrown out pan after pan of this stuff because i can not make it crisp.

I just don't know what to do anymore. Serious question, life threatening.?

Since New Year, my best friend has lost a lot of weight. She was always thin naturally and looked healthy, but now she just looks ill and like Isabelle Caro. On one hand, I feel so pissed off with her. She acts like a complete attention seeker around everybody - talking about food with such enthusiasm - such PHONEY enthusiasm. Telling everyone how she bakes things with her new cook books and how she loves eating her cookies and cakes. When clearly she isn't eating much at all. She knows exactly what she is doing and I can't stand it. On the other hand, I remember this isn't about how I FEEL over what she is doing, and that even if she is not genuinely anorexic - she clearly has some attention seeking issues. When staying a night over her house, we took lots of pictures on her phone's camera - and knowing I would see the phone's background - she had written "eat" and a few weeks later this changed to "take laxatives, pills... ". Believe me - this is all an act for attention whereby she has even gone to the point to lose the weight required for belief. And if not I have some ****** up paranoid issues myself. I don't believe she is desperately hinting at me for help, as even though we are "best mates" she has never been one to speak on emotional levels with me, which I have always been hurt by. I am completely open to being told I am wrong here - maybe I am in denial - but I strongly disagree. Either way, there's cleaarly SOMETHING wrong - whether this is genuine anorexia or some other attention seeking problem. Help me. I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm letting her go. I'm ashamed to think such spiteful thoughts but they are what I believe. I don't know what to do anymore..

Jcreator Error Message? EASY 10 POINTS!!!!?

I have recompiled your code using Eclipse and it ran without any problem. Try rebuild your code and rerun it.

Something that seems to be bothering me about fan reaction to Candice Michelle?

at least candice is improving. kelly kelly, ashley and maria are worse they can't even wrestle at all

Where to buy a baby mexican red knee tarantula?

I got my first T, which was a Brachypelma smithi, from an online dealer. His name is Paul Becker from petcenteusa.net and he offers very competitive prices. On top of that, he provides excellent customer service. I've ordered from him twice in the past 2 years and I have no complaints. He will answer all of your questions and accommodate your needs. He currently has smithi slings for $11.00. Great price. If you order, shipping will cost more than the tarantula itself, so I would recommend purchasing a couple more if you can.

PLEASE HELP ME..I think my baby has colic..she won't stop crying.... :-(?

Please help my baby girl is 6 weeks old and won't stop crying...she's not constipated...very gasy..burps a lot..and just non stop crying..I feed her bathe her,rock her...gave her Gripe water...nothing seems to work...PLEASE HELP ME...I love my baby girl...but I'm getting exhausted....I'm a first time mother & have never experienced this.

What does this dream mean?

The first one is just a dream. It probably doesn't mean anything and came from the fact that you dad and grandpa died several years ago. (Sorry to hear that, by the way.) The second one is extremely coincidental.

Cameron Diaz, Blonde or Brunette? which do you perfer?

Blonde, hands down. That shade of brown she has right now is too dark and make her look a hella lot older.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Why is living in the Philippines better than migrating?

There has been a proliferation of questions dwelling on misery and misfortune and sometimes I feel some people delight in bashing the Philippines and those who have stayed behind. Just my attempt to balance.

Baby decisons by Parents?

I have a question for anyone who has had these type of issues. I am with a younger woman who thinks she knows it all. We just had a newborn baby but all decisions whether it be his name, to be cirsisezd or anything that I know is like I don't exist. Every decison is made by her and she doesnt understand sacrifice or compromise. She wouldnt budge on cirsion which isnt that bad but I was asked what about the name after she alreadytold everyone else. She tells me what her baby will watch and that I wont be able to decide. We had an extremly tired and exhausted baby after coming home and although your suppose to feed them every 2-3 hours fed, he just wouldnt eat. She tried to wake him all day cause he was up all night and yet when he didnt wake up, She still tried to make him eat to no avale. She even took away his pacifier cause she claimed it was causing nipple confusion but he wasnt eating anyway..The pacifier was only used to Pacify him when he was trying to p gas or poop or just when he was a little wild. BUT never when he was hungry. She did this cause a WIC lady said so...Very Nieve; she trusts certain words yet although I have already had a child and know a lot..I AM STUPID. is what she says. Almost every decision she make about baby goes through her older sister because she thinks her sisters kids were brought up right. I explain that I feel like a stranger and that she needs to get help because she has acted this way before her pregnancy and she still is. She ALWAYS MUST BE IN CONTROL or else she gets irate and does very violent stuff. She has thrown remotes at my head, thrown dishes cut my Internet Cable ,Scratched up my Monitor, put holes in walls and even tried to take a bottle of sleeping pills and scratched up her wrists with a razorblade...while PREGNANT..She claims it's always me that starts stuff yet it's her that get's very angry and violent. I have wondered about just leaving but I have tried to make it work for the baby as well as I do care very much. One minute she will say she does have issues, but then says I am worse..I have never been violent towards her and if I were any other guy, I would have left a long time ago. AM I CRAZY.....What if any is the best suggestion to do in this case...I would rather be alone, pay child support than to be treated like an *** everyday for things I dont do.

Whats the resale value for a Giro Animas helmet?

mine is white, size medium. no major scratches or other damage. very well taken care of and never been in a crash. bought it for $100 late last summer.

I need help to p my nursing boards, lpn, can someone help me?

there is no actual way to study. I took mine about a year ago. It was rather easy. Just read the question twice before you answer. Two answers are always wrong and there will a good answer but not exactly what they are looking for. If you did well in school you will do fine on the nclexpn

Is it okay to smoke after/before surgery?

I already got one surgery a couple weeks ago on my meniscus. I get an acl surgery in another two weeks. Is it okay to smoke bud for the duration of this time?

What's the best way to prep for Army BCT?

you're doing it right...just keep it up, don't worry about what you're hearing. to get into BCT they give you a pre-lim when you there. one mile in 8 minutes...keep running...and then running....and then running...

How can i make it up to my daughter??

my daughter is 3 years old. when she was born my parents were very overbearing and told me to not pick her up al;l the time so she didnt get used to it and to leave her in her cot. they made me leave her to cry and i was so tired after a difficult pregnancy and labour and i was in shock i didnt argue with them. i couldnt bond with her and cried all the time and even felt suicidal. after 6 months i couldnt take it anymore and stopped letting her cry. i constantly cuddled her and she started sleeping in my bed and i took her out to mother and baby groups and moved away from my parents. however now she still needs lots of cuddles and is very shy and im sure its because of how i was when she was a baby. i feel so guilty. how can i reverse what i did???

What is the name of this MONK episode? The one where the young man kills his girlfriend with a saw?

I think it's one of the earlier episodes in season 1. It's this episode where at the beginning of the episode, there's this young woman and young man (age: 20s) sunbathe in the sun outdoors, the young man kisses his girlfriend saying "I have a surprise for you! Close your eyes!". The man takes his girl by the hand and leads her into a garage filled with working tools and closes the doors, even the garage door. The girl is excited and still has her eyes closed. The man says "No peeking!". The man takes a chainsaw, turns on the motor, and surprises her hacking her to a bloody gruesome death. We only see the blood splattering on the windows of the garage door during the murder. What's the name of this MONK episode?

What should i do for a new school hairstyle?

OMG, your soo pretty, i rate u 10/10! why dont u try to find different ways to tie your hair instead of new hairstyles?

Another christian question?

My understanding is that the snake worked his way in there on his own. You would have thought their deity would have given them a heads up about the whole vengeful fallen angel thing, though.

Do you like to laugh at other people's misfortune?

Yeah, when some loses their child to cancer. Oh my gosh, I laugh so fukn hard, when the little girl that played on the Broadway show Lion King. Man, I laughed a whole week at their misfortunes.

Does it sound like anything is wrong?

Have you been sitting hunched over the computer for a while? Not to sound mean or anything, but this happens to one of my kids when she's been sitting on her bed staring at the computer for a few hours. If you have, just stand up and stretch your neck and arms and see if you feel better. Try relaxing your jaw; you could have been clenching your teeth without realizing it. When I do that, my neck and shoulders get that same feeling.

How does rivals let idiots like this get front page on NCAA football?

Texas Tech also got blown out by Oklahoma and Texas beat Oklahoma. When Texas lost to Tech, Tech was home and they only won by 6.

Family issues! i'm desperate? even though my parents are seperatde my dad is always calling my mom asking her

where she is what she's doing who she's w/ and who's at home w/ her and i don't think my mom likes it either but she won't stand up for herself she feeds his need to control which she pretty much has done all her life well when she was living w/ him i understand cuz he cud get violently angry (he has a huge scary *** temper even ppl older than him get **** scared and no kids like little him) and he also does this w/ me and i wanna be free of him 4ever i feel like cryin sumtimes and feel suffocated and trapt a lot cuz of it he hardly would let me do anything (i don't know even if my mom will let me have normal amount of freedom lyk normal parents cuz she might get afraid of him) if u have a control freak parent then u know how i feel and soon my cuz is in so i'm gonna be hanging out w/ her but he might stop tht (specially sine she's the only 1 who sees him 4 wut he relly is so how do i break free and break contact w/o getting **** 4rom fam i'm not aggresive hes ruined me persoanl

Is anyone willing to trade me some legendary pokemon?

i have the new heart gold game and im looking for any of the legendary pokemon from the ruby/sapphire/emerald and/or diamon/pearl series would be extreamly helpful, i am also looking for low level starter pokemon from the red/blue, ruby/sapphire/emerald and/or diamon/pearl series too, i dont have much to trade so im hoping you will be generous or just hatch an egg with a ditto, thank you very much

What kind of insect is this?

That is a silverfish.a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silverfish" rel="nofollow"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silverfish/a

I have small red bumps on my stomach section.How do i get rid of them and what would the name of that be ?

So the bumps disappear and the some come back. They are really itchy mostly at night. But sometimes there are no bumps then other times there is ten or more they looked inf lammed after i stop itching them.

Billions of dollars in oil subsidies?

Why does the Bush adm. give billions of dollars in subsidies to oil companies-ya think it is helping their profit margins?

Do pet shops buy there animals from wholesalers??

They buy from wholesalers who get all their puppies from mills. I live in a part of the US that is huge on mills. And the people who buy them are called brokers. They actually hold auctions where they sell puppies by the truck load! I have seen one at a truck-stop along the highway once. Its horrible. Never buy a dog from a pet shop. They often have 'papers', but they are not hard to get. I also do volunteer work for a group who occasionally gets dogs from mills once they get shut down. Although the people just move, and open them again with new dogs in m breeding programs.

Carburetor seal kits?

do they sell carburetor seal kits(the various rubber o-rings/other rubber seals)? I just need a few new seals for my carb on my Suzuki ALT 125 it would save me a lot more money than buying the part.

Should I get a West Highland White Terrier?

I am going to be living in a house soon, and I have had previous experience with dogs before. Oh and I am probably going to do agility with it. Would this be a good dog to get?

How do i get this guy to notice me?

It would have been better in full English - but how about trying a flashing blue light on your head - or, in your language, bt owzbt tryn aflgbllmp n ya ed. HURTS, innit.

Should governments mandate biofuels?

No, unfortunately the result is the law of unintended consequences. That is if we require biofuels it will raise prices of corn and place economic pressure on the food supply. The seemingly environmental friendly solution will result in (a) higher gas prices, as biofuels are very expensive to produce and (b) higher food prices. One problem …solved … two more created

What does my dream mean?

so a few nights ago i had a dream that i was at my friends friends house an it was really weird i dident kno this family i was just there with mi friend but i guess they had a son who had just died an me an mi friend were running around da house an out of no were this boi was standin in front of me an i tried to hide an mi friend said wat r u doin i said hidein u don see dat boi ..what boi? so then i new sumthin was up so he told me mi step father killed me an i kno u dont kno m an i dont kno y u are the only one who can see me an talk t me but i need your help..im still alive in mi grave i need u to tell mi mother wats goin on ..i just looked at him stupid..like i dont even no ur family u just died an u want me to tell them that but anyways i told his mom she dident believe me but then she did so we went to were he was buried an gothim out an he was alive ....SO IM JUST WOUNDERIN WHY I WOUL HAVE A DREM BOUT A DEADBOI I DONT KNO AN IM THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN SAVE HIM AN TALK TO HIM???sumone help.....

Should i play wow again?

i would have to say warlock or mage and i never have been addicted to WoW i just play on my free time :D

Is this new rental amendment acceptable?

We own a mobile home park (only 2 mobile home slots, actually), in Maine. We are closing the “park” in summer, for change of land use (we gave them a one-year notice, as required by law). We have been experiencing a water shortage (with the well running dry at times). Is it legally binding to send the tenants a 30-day amendment to the rental agreement (they are on month-to-month, not a lease) to offer water delivery services instead of trying to rely on the depleting and inconsistent well water? The only other thing we could do is to drill a new well. However, it would cost $6-7k and doesn’t make sense since the “park” will be closed permanently in a few months. (If we were keeping the park open, we would absolutely drill a new well.) The other issue is - the tenants aren’t paying their rent at all because of the water shortage problem. It appears they’re upset with us, even though we didn’t cause the problem. Any comments, suggestions, opinions, etc. would be helpful. (FYI: We also talked with a couple lawyers, but they haven't been much help and one was even incorrect with the laws. We pointed out two things in the law that he missed, and he said, "Well, you got me there.")

Does senior year count to colleges?

Ok, I'm going into senior year in a new school and 9th and 10th grade I did really good, 11th grade I had 1 D for the year and 1 C for the year and 1 A, 2 B's (I went to vocational school). This year, I'm not going to vocational school and my guidance counselor gave me a full course load. I'm taking AP english, us history 11 honors, trig (but I'm switching to pre-calc), anatomy and physiology, physics, gym, sat prep (and they're telling me to take at LEAST 2 SAT's), and sociology. Will this matter to colleges, or no, and if not, should I drop some cles?

What are the consequences of long-term use of fentanyl?

It's very highly addictive. Even more so than heroin. So probably dependance, and if you overdose then yes it's very dangerous. Fentanyl's gesic properties are 80 times stronger than morphine, just so you get an idea. It's a very, very strong drug.

No money for university!?

I want to study footwear design but cant afford uni (dont want 2 b in debt at 17) is there a way around going 2 uni but still getting reconised qualifications?

What are some good event songs for summer?

my school is having a really big sand volleyball event that the guys from our school play in, and im in charge of music. what are some old popular songs that are summer-y. aka: stacy's mom, in too deep, 1985. etc. or anything else that you think would be good! (:

Does she have worms?

i have a kitten that likes to scoot her around on the floor i just noticed it a couple days ago and my friend says that when she does that it means she has worms. is that true could that mean she has worms?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Gamers please help me...?

are there any cheats for avatar, midnight club, conan or ratchet and clank future a crack in time for ps3?

Is this a scam please read this.?

I see red flags everywhere. This is 100% a scam i promise. Do not go through with it. Especially if someone gives you MORE than you were asking then sends you a FAKE cashier's cheque? The cheque will bounce. You have to be sooooo very careful nowadays online. I would make him come to my door and pay in cash>>>>while a police officer records the transaction. If the buyer has no problem with this then you may be ok...if he does have a problem then you will have a major problem if you go through with it. Good luck!! I have run an online business for 5 years and i have never been ripped off and i have a 100% approval rating.

Do you find this weird look at additional details?

is it wied that im thirteen and still love watching kid shows and movies like scooby doo and dragon tails and i cant find it in me to stop watching those shows am i the only one that does this?? and do u think you would know why because i dont know why i do this

Does anyone know any acoustic love songs or with piano?

I would like some up to date ones for both some examples would be for the acoustic...like Chase coy or secondhand serenade...or anything really... for the piano my FAVORITE is TRY by Asher Brook from the FAME movie....stuff like that. :]

What to read next...?

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. it is my all time favorite novel. it is about elizabeth bennet, who is from a poor family, and has about three or four sisters. it is basically a love story set in the 1800's. i had to read it for honors english my freshman year, and i think you will completly enjoy it! :)

What makes conservatives think that Democrats are for people sitting at home on welfare or unemployment?

You are making a generalization about a group of people based on a generalization about people like you. There are a lot of democrats I know who do advise people to sit at home and not work, and I'm a democrat who, like you, thinks that hard work and staying in the job market is important.

Why do Christians not kill people in other religions?

It's quite clear some of these pages were secretly put in by the devil because God wants to test everyone to make sure they are worthy to go to heaven. Although we are all created in the image of God so shouldn't we all go to heaven? And if accepting Jesus is the only way to Heaven does that mean that for all of the years before Jesus was around people went to Hell? And people who have never even heard of Christianity get sent to Hell too? But if God is all loving then why would he even have war and punishment? Of course maybe...

RHH: Does anyone agree with me?

Most mainstream rappers are off beat? I beg to differ. It sounds like shyt when you're off beat...Mos Def does it sometimes and makes it dope, but other than him I can't think of anybody that does it on the reg.

What are staples to have in my kitchen/fridge/pantry?

I am single and really have no idea how to cook but I am tired of eating so much processed food and eating out. What items do you think are the best to have on hand at all times that are versatile? I'm not a vegetarian but don't usually eat meat (occional chicken/fish, but rarely). I also hate leftovers so I need ideas of things that don't go bad too quickly. Thanks!!

I feel so happy despite being pregnant at 14...?

I sincerely hope this is a pathetic attempt at trolling? If not I'm sure the tax payers of your country will be delighted with another pregnant single parent (don't tell me you are married at 14?) to provide for.

It's been said, "Once a cheater always a cheater." Does the same apply to a thief?

There is a guy who quickly moved in with one of my friends after barely even knowing her for a few weeks. She's happy because he spends money on her and helps her to pay the bills.(He does work, earning money legally, respectfully) Prior to now he was in prison for 10 yrs. for robbery. He does seems really nice, even though he has a past of stealing. One of my friends doesn't trust him, says he's just a loser and I shouldn't trust him around me, because a thief is a thief, period. What are your opinions? I believe some people can change but I do find I am locking things up more than I ever used to, just in case!

In a diplomatic way, could you yze the current situation of Iran in an international context?

and give your suggestions on how the situation could be resolved. Please write no more than 700 words.

Does anybody understand nth roots for Algebra II?

I don't know what that similar equation was but I would ume that the answer would be x^8 - 9 or x^8 - 3^2 (same thing). But honestly I have no idea what the question is asking for, I took Alg. II last year and I don't remember anything like that. What is the topic yall are studying?

Question: If Dwight Howard is traded this season, which team is the best fit for him? (from ESPNinsider?

he would be on sixers. Thats the only thing they need to do good. They got louis williams as guard, jody meeks and 3 point shooter andre iguadala as 3 position elton brand on 4 position and dwight with the 5 position

Need help with naming a dog - 10 points to best answer?

I vote for Match. It's beyond cute for a dog like that, would be a great story to tell your friends and grandchildren, and I'm sure he'll be a 'sparky' 'livewire' when he arrives! LoL.

Christians, why does the bible say that witchcraft is "evil"?

It is considered evil by Gog, therefore it is evil to those of us who follow and believe in God. He said it is so it is.

Can you put iTunes apps, on a 3rd generation nano?

I just got a 3rd generation nano, and I was wondering if I could, I just got it so I didn't know, and Apple's FAQ doesn't have it.

Fantasy baseball question?

Keep CC. You have a nice little staff, but CC is your only marquee pitcher. He will get a ton of wins and I think he's going to pitch better in the second half. Arod is having a down year by his standards. McGehee has been good from July last year to now. MLB Network recently said that from late July 2009 to now, he's around .290 30 HR and 115 RBI. I say, decline. Nice team for a 12 team league though.

Are the religion facts correct? Bonus Points for best answer?

These are all correct,but is is not viable to refer to any religious theory and event whilst claiming it to be a fact.Many believers and non-believers will always have a case to argue,so you could not really call them facts in the eyes of everyone.

Hey Everyone! The Worlds opinion greatly appreciated here! Cheers!?

Absolutely not! Way too many great actors in there, so they would each try to 'out-act' each other. From your list I would choose Eddie Murphy, Jack Black (really, how great would these 2 be in a film together??), Bette Midler & Robin Williams. Now that's a film I would watch! Great thought though!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The creation story vs. the dinosaurs?

ok, on the sixth day, god created humans. fine and dandy, but humans and the dinosaurs didnt live in the same time period, because dinosaurs were around before humans came along. but, the bible says god created it all in seven days! and also, the earth was around 4.5 billion years before humans came! so how did god create it all in seven days?

What is everyone's favorite Starbucks drink?

I'm just curious to know ... what is everyone's favorite Starbucks coffee drink? During the winter time mine is a white chocolate mocha and during the summer time it's either a caramel frap or a mocha frap ... mmmm, I love Starbucks!

I don't know if I am bipolar or if something else is happening?

hormones, i think. if you haven't done anything near fatality its probably a phase. i'm not sure so, i apologise in advance if ever my cerebrations are nothing close to your condition.

I'm very vain, im wondering can i get corrective surgery for my physical imperfections ? they really bother me

i know your probably gonna disregard my answer before your halfway done reading it, but be happy with who you are, theres a reason you appear as you do, if you don't have a women just try to find one who loves you for you, plastic surgery is dangerous and costly.

Anyone have a female perspective of Army Bootcamp?

My experience wasnt in the army but still it was bootcamp. It was very challenging, mostly physically but kind of mentally, but it was very fulfilling and I'm glad I was in peak shape prior to this time already. Because of my situation I was very far from my family and I missed them a lot but soon overcame that and realized I was doing something for the greater good and they were PROUD of me. It will be a stressful and taxing time but the rewards make it worth it. So good luck to you.

Green Day rockband question(downlading songs)?

it means that those songs were already available for regular rock band, before they came out with green day rock band. :)

Who do you think would win a fight between a grizzy bear and a lion?

If admiring the strength and fighting prowess of animals gets you interested in science or even animal conservation it is a good thing. Black bears are the ones that climb trees, not brown bears. Lions can climb too, but not very well. Not as well as the leopard can, the best feline climber of all the great cats. Grizzlies are the largest up north and as you go southward grizzlies become smaller. A grizzly to the south might weigh only 300 to 500 pounds, and even match for the lion. Northern grizzlies can weigh 800 even 900 pounds or more. An animal like that should be able to beat just one lion no problem.

I created an "original team" for my Pokemon Platinum. Can you please rate it and leave suggestions?

Your question has me crying right now :( why? Becuase for some reason i cant copy my Pokemon platinum pokemon on my battle revolution :( Man...if you know a way,look me up on youtube,my username is 45derio,the team is ok,but its not killer...

Soccer Shoes ???????

If you want to know all the best boots go to footy-boots.com it's got great info on every boot in the market (and some not)

A small bump on foreskin?

hi. im 15 years old and i noticed a small bal like lump in my foreskin yesterday. it feels like its in my foreskin not on it and its quite hard and is just smaller than the size of a pea. im only 15 so its very unlikely that its cancer but im quite worried in case it is. if you have had one could you please tell me what it is because im getting quite worried. thanks.

I was hit by another car while making left turn, I had to byp incoming traffic lanes to turn onto 1 way St.

Light was green, I saw it was safe to make a turn, initiated the turning maneuver and had already turned onto the 1 way Street when out of no where this car hit my bumper on the right side and took the bumper completely off. He had only right front damage. He claims I drove in front of him and I say he had to be speeding. If I drove in front of him wouldn't he had hit me with the full front of his car?


I cant see the video but im pretty sure the shoes you are talking about are either Jordan 5's,2's or maybe even dub zeros...check out google idk for sure.

Canker sores from normal l bacteria?

NO canker sores are not caused by bacteria that is in the . They are usually triggered to break out when you have a lot of stress of if your immune system is run down. Certain foods can also trigger canker sores to break out like some thing spicy or rough textured.

Why would a guy ask you if you are afraid of him?

this guy i've known six months, i dont know what his deal is , he sleeps around ..he's 26, and im 21, he stares at me , he tries to make jokes, he teases me sometimes, and he can be a jerk , he told me twice he loves me ,but he has been drunk . both times he's told me and the second time he told me asked me why im afraid of him and its probably because i dont trust him, he can be a jerk and he is the type that is biased and narcissistic , anyway, he tries to get my attention, that night he kept trying to be by me and look my way, the the few times i approached him and but for the most part he kept trying to start convons w. me ,im short with him tho.., he doesnt go around and he tell everyone he loves them and i havenever gotten told before "i love you" by any other guy than him and trust me i have been around a lot of drunken guys..whats his deal

What do you think unborn babies dream about?

they cant see so they aren't dreaming about mental images.. but they do hear.. so maybe they dream about the noises they hear outside the womb or the sounds of Mommy's tummy rumbling

If I want to become a Vet what should I major in?

I am about to graduate from a community college and Im about to transfer to the University of Florida my question is what should my major be? I don't know if I should choose animal Science Biology or Zoology? Can Someone please help me?

How long does it take for someone to come out of a drug induced coma?

My GF has epilepsy and she had a grand mall seizure followed by a smaller seizure a few hours later. She was complaining of shortness of breath so I took her to ER. SHe then had another grand mall and they put her in a drug induced come and put a tube down her throat to get her more oxygen. This was on Thursday. They took her off the ventilator Saturday and allowed her to awaken. She seemed very irrational most of the time, just says "No" over and over again. (On Sunday) She just wants to sleep all the time. She is very irritable when she is kept awake. I am worried there may be brain damage and her neurologist says he didn't think so. She can be carry on a conversation with her best friend like normal, but just says no to me and her nurses. I am very confused and worried for her. They may release her in the next day or two if she responds well to her meds.

What are the problema destroying Kenya? Why all the blood-shed? Why are things so messed up in Africa?

Tribalism. There is no tolerance for those who 'rival' one's tribe or clan. Poverty, AIDS have a part as well.

Provincial driving license in the UK?

A PROVISIONAL drivers license allows you to learn to drive, which mean you have to pay for driving lessons with someone else supervising you. It's then suitable to clock up about 30 lessons before you will have to take your practical test which will cost about �50 plus the hire of the car you learn in, if you p you will then be given a full UK drivers license. You also have to p you theory test, which you should take before your practical test.

I may have tonsillitis...?

I think you have it, i had it just last week and you have all the symptoms that i had so sorry to tell you but you have tonsillitis :(. it sucks i couldnt swallow my mediaction, i couldnt even swallow water :(

Can someone please revise/edit my intro paragraph?

A tragic hero is a character in a work of fiction who struggles in life, preserves against all chances, but seemingly ends up dying in a cruel twist of fate. The hero’s downfall is his own fault as a product of his own free choice, but his misfortune is not entirely deserved. He discovers fate by his own actions, and not by things happening to him. In the novel, The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Arthur Dimmesdale becomes a victim to his own destruction, and although his sufferings bear meaning, they are not wholly deserved, thus making him a true tragic hero.

Related rates implicit differentiation?

When air expans adiabatically its pressure P and volume V are related by the equation PV^1.4 = C where C is a constant. Suppose that at a certain instant the volume is 310 cubic cenitmeters and the pressure is 97 kPa and is decreasing at a rate of 15 kPa/minute. At what rate in cubic centimeters per minute is the volume increasing at this instant?

This woman accuses me of stealing her husband and wrecking her home?

baby you are to blame a bit also..but it's ok in life you can't decide what is wrong and what is right for one person waht is wrong can be right for other...so it's you have to decide..if you think it's right than go ahead if not than take a back step...i would suggest you find a new guy so that you can stay away from him too...you are a women if you try you can get a good man...all the best..

What kind of boots would look good for skinny legs?

my legs are extremly skinny(bony) and i was wondering what kind of boots could i get that will fit my leg i brought some brown boots that look ok on my legs. what are some boots that would look ok on my legs???

Why are LGBT people such a lonely, miserable bunch?

There is a false stereotype out there that suggests that s, gays, and biuals/panuals get more tail than any heterouals. This is a misrepresentation. Every group has its casanovas, its maneaters, its players and suave ones, but those are the only ones most people see. Truthfully, we are some of the loneliest, most miserable people on this planet. I just want to here some theories as to why you think that that fact holds true. I don't mind if you're a bigot, just know that I've never heard an argument I could stand behind as to why bigotry in any form should be a good thing.

Reference: English grammar?

I am doing an annotated bibliography on English grammar. Can anyboy give anyone you have. If you have one on you? Regards

Can any OB/GYN perform intrauterine insemination?

I've decided I want a second baby but being single now I am going to use a donor. For my first baby I used a midwife so I don't have a doctor I have a relationship with that I could easily ask. Do most OB/GYNs perform intrauterine insemination or do I have to go to a fertility specialist? Do fertility specialists only perform invitro fertilization? I'm looking to (hopefully) become pregnant fall/winter 2011 so I would like to start talking to a doctor now I just have no clue who to talk to. Thanks!

Awesome Kong vs Melina? who would win?

Will Awesome Kong destroy Maria, Kelly Kelly, Candice Michelle, Maryse, The Bella Twins, McCool, Layla, Alicia Fox and Mickie James

I'm taking a poll on the Backstreet Boys.Click for more info.?

I want to find out two things. 1. Was there five or six original Backstreet Boys? 2. Who thinks they should come back into style considering there new music video "Everybody [Backstreet's Back ] ."

How can I repair my credit rating?

Сredit repair workеd fine to fix my credit. They disputed and removed lots of bad items from my credit report. I used this service - buildcredit.ifastnet.com

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Is it illegal to sleep in your car in a parking lot?

if so, what about during the day when the stores are open? I can understand maybe if the stores are closed. I can also understand if the car is uninsured. but a legit car during the day, could I get arrested for this?

Preston are losing again, should I hang myself?

You're a good team really. There's no way you can be relegated because you're better than that. You came across my Cardiff team bouncing off a bad loss, don't worry. After seeing you against Blackpool, I think you'll be in the top half of the table come May.

Downloading PSP Demos straight from browser?

can i download demos such an secret agent clank straight from psp browser because i do not have a usb cable??

Looking for something fun to do on friday night?

its friday night and I dont get off work until 9:15, Im only 16 so that eliminates clubs/drinkin (at least legally >.<) so any suggestions other than movies/out to eat?

My husband has cc js against the house now i have to pay them back or i will loose the house?

My soon to be ex husband has gambled and lost �250k he hit me for many years and was arrested 6 years ago, I pay all of the mortgage as he doesn't support us. now there are 2 CC J'S on the property, Ive been told even if the court award me the house, I could still loose my home to pay his debts. Is this right?

Geneology question Wagner?

Alright, I was told many times that we were descended from Richard Wagner.. and after watching an old interview with his last grand child (as an adult obviously) I don't doubt it.. The guy was IDENTICAL to my Grandfather.. (although now that my grandfather IS that old it is even more Identical).. but, I'm not finding any trace in the legitimate lines.. It doesn't help that my grandfather never asked his father about any of the family history. Is there any way to trace illegitimate children... I know there were plenty of rumors, but have found no actual names. The common "family" names seem to be Truman and Kelsey.

Thoughts on a Poem please?

a romantic poem about (flowers?) or maybe kind people beckoning some weary old person to relax a while...

My 1 yr. old lab seems lazy today and when I try to lift her normall perky tail she whines....WHY? Please help

I was thinking that she might have impacted or infected sacs. Also, she might be constapated or have an intestinal blockage or even a bowel ubstruction. Do you know if she has chewed up or ate anything she wasn't suppose to? If she isn't eating, drinking, or pooping normal, she needs to see a vet. Vomitting is also a sign of a blockage.

Do the people that are waging a genuine battle away from democracy, you know,?

the ones we see here touting and demanding communism, socialism, fascism, etc, think they will receive it without resistance?

For Monster Mive what costume should I get?

I'm planning on being Barbie cuz I'm gonna wear that bright makeup (super good fro raves) but idk what costume to wear. I don't wanna look like a super skank like Barbie does sometimes with short skirts and popping out, but I wanna look kinda y hahaha, any ideas?

Wicken or Witches what is the primary purpose?

As long as you friennd know what he or she is doing it should be.An to answer your first Q is like asking what the purpose of a preacher or priest is.

For people who have read Joyce's Ulysses, do you think Leopold Bloom seems rather old for a 38-yr old man?

Biologically, Bloom is not old, but he seems to be portrayed as such. Or, for whatever reason, readers of Ulysses come away with the impression that Bloom is a rather older middle-aged man. However, is this impression reliable? The only hard evidence in the book concerning Bloom's condition points toward a very fit, healthly man, with plenty of ual vigour. Joyce wanted a 67-year old actor to play Bloom in a film-version which never came off. This seems to indicate that the author thought Bloom was older rather than younger, but, within the text itself, there seems to be nothing which would support the idea that the main character is actually really and truly getting old. A recent film of the book casted a 57-yr old in the part (Stephen Rea). What is going on? I know 38-yrs old means something different after the space of a century, but can we really say that Bloom is old?

What is a good varnish to use for paper, that wont keep light out?

I make and sell jewelry with a miniature origami figure on each piece, but want to make my origami pieces, which are made out of paper, stand up to everyday wear and tear, such as cleaning the metal parts of an earring. I have looked into coating them with varnish, but there are many kinds, and it seems that most of them have UV protection, and the paper I am using is glow in the dark. I think glow in the dark things work on phosphorescence, not UV, but I wanted the opinion of someone who knew about varnishes. Will the paper still glow in the dark if I use a UV protection varnish?

Would you recommend the acid/alkaline diet?

For someone who is suffering from diabetes, would you recommend the acid/alkaline diet? Are there any dangers with this diet? Why? Explain.

Demon who claims to be mother earth?

I know this might make a lot of people mad, but i work in a homeless ministry and we have a new person who is defiantly demon possessed but the being claims to be mother earth. Can anyone give me information on it? I've tried Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Ask.com but nothing has come up. I don't want criticism or snappy ignorant people either. So if you can help with out leaving your opinions it would be greatly appreciated.

Is anyone going to be losing sleep over this?

a href="http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20090610/sc_afp/scienceastronomyearthmercurymarsvenus"http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20090610/sc_…/a

Can someone explain whats my birth chart means? Any astrology experts explain it to me please? UPDATED!!?

I suggest you to generate your free birth chart and prediction about your life from a href="http://astrobix.com" rel="nofollow"http://astrobix.com/a

Valentines kiss? Innapropriate?

There is this girl that has liked for a very much for a very long time. Its no secret that she wants to be with me she just says it plainly. The problem is that i don't want to be in a bf/gf relationship with her. We have an awesome friendship that I would never want to give up. She has been a great friend to me lately so i wanted to give her a kiss on the cheek this Valentines day. I'm just worried that it'll turn out bad and she'll tell everybody and everybody will thiink we're going out. Every time i think about it I think of the song by the Killers that goes "It started out as a kiss, how could it end up like this? It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss." so I'm worried. We tell each other we love each other (as friends) but the most we ever did was hug or maybe cuddle. What should I do? In my heart I want to do it but my brain is saying no way!

Moving to california?

Well I live in Baltimore and the crime rate and murder rate here is very high. I've seen shootings and gang violence and more then you can imagine, so the crime rate in LA doesn't bother me in the least. Round here if you mind your own business you will usually get left alone. I've only been robbed once. At least its a beautiful area unlike bmore. When I turn 18 i'm gonna get kicked out, ill have enough money for a flight there. I keep applying everywhere but can't get a job here. I'm gonna end up being homeless and i'd rather be homeless in Cali where its warm and nice then here. I may have better luck there getting a job too, although the statistics are against me. A 2 bedroom apartment around here is 750 bucks a month, which would leave me with a room mate spending only 375 a month + utilities and all that which I could easily afford on min wage. There are some EVEN BETTER apartments you can get in LA with 1 or 2 roommates for 300 bucks a month. I can't join the military or anything like that because i'm bipolar and have other illnesses. Is there anything I have no considered? What parts of cali are similar to LA but easier to get around and get a job?

Do australians really want another three years of fear and increased costs of living?

Is that a question or an opinion? A fairly niave opinion at that. And who is this real man you speak of? Kevin Rudd? You have to be kidding. Do you think this phoney is going to manage the economy better, withdraw our token troop presents in Iraq or seriously address climate change. Labour and the unions will do what they always have done when in power. Spend, spend, spend. Stuff up the economy, lower productivity, increase unemployment and interest rates then hand it back to the coalition to fix. If you think Kevin Rudd will be running things think again. The unions, who represent approx 15% of public and private section workers will have the raines and boy or boy will they want their moment in the sun. And anyone who thinks Rud and the unions will rip up WorkChoices, will be sorely disappointed. WorkChoices is just another name for Hawke and Keatings industrial relation revelution in the early 1990's. They set the platform, the coalition simply finished the job. Seriously mate, lift your eyes, Australia is an insignificant fraction of the worlds economy. The issues you raise as they relate to Australia barely rate a blimp on the worlds radar. 1500 troops. Seriously. It is local and demonstic policy that is at stake here. Rudd has a bag full of slogans, hand jestures and nothing else. If elected he and his union buddies will do what Labour has always done when in power. Run the country into the ground. That alone will set Australia back 11 years and the things that are important to you will never get addressed. At least with a strong economy there is a chance things will happen. Under Kevin Rudd's lead union government, not a chance.

Summarize Coleridge's "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" What does the albatross symbolize?

It symbolizes how Jesus Christ was killed even though He showed people the way and did nothing wrong, like the albatross.

What movies would you like to see remade?

With the success of the remake of the mechanic and true grit, what movies would you like to see remade? I would like to see-Logan's Run, Sleepaway Camp, the warriors, death wish, rosemary's baby, deliverance, the great escape, where eagles dare. These were great movies but I can't get my teen daughter to watch anything that "old". what do you think? What would you like to see remade?

Where can i get help...?

this is what u do when they start fighting u yell really loud SHUTUP! and then break out like this... im sick of u guys fighting all the time i really am i mean whats causing u guys to fight have u ever thought about someone else for a chance maby ur children... do u know how we feel when u do this... please i just want u guys to get along! then start crying and leave... GARANTEE THEY WILL STOP!

Why is women's indirect communication seen as fair and/or effective communication?

We all communicate indirectly sometimes, but women are way more likely to use this type of ineffective communication. Not all women are this way, but most of them are at least somewhat more indirect than their man in communication. I've heard women say that men just aren't "good at" giving or receiving indirect communication, as if it's something to be proud of. They also say that it would take all the romance out if she had to tell her man what she wants and needs. Ladies, you do realize that most men who are worth your time see this as unfair, right?

British army uniform?

Firstly I have never heard of a No1 dress (Blues) tunic referred as "ebony" regardless of regt, secondly scarlets have now become the preserve of the Guards, although it was standard "walking out dress prior to 1914. Red jackets are still worn by Infantry Regts as Mess dress. (this is worn on Black tie occasions) No1s are worn when available and when appropriate. There have been several examples in recent years when they have been worn at investiture ceremonies etc.

Is there a service to find out how many surgeons are in certain metro areas?

I am trying to find out how many practicing eye surgeons are in each of the major metropolitan areas of Kansas, Missouri, and Central & Southern IL, and NW Kentucky. I need something more accurate than the yellow pages. Does anyone know of a single source that can provide me with that data?

Why is Congress holding hearings on baseball..?

...when the country is in trouble with much more important and urgent matters to deal with.Like CRIMINAL ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION,TAX REFORM,Bush keeps crapping dollars down the Iraq crapper,globalist treaties that are nothing less than treason...baseball...what a load of horsesh*t.

Should your 6th amendment rights have an expiration date?

Usually not. But if he was informed of his rights each time he was questioned, I that is usually ok. But the issue is a fine line since he was in prison, that is in a continuously coercive environment, I think the confession might have fallen under the rule. The rule stands for the proposition that you should not be tricked or coerced into making a confession without the right to have counsel present. It should be truly voluntary.

Ricky Stuart and the Cronulla Sharks?

He has been extremely unlucky. He has brought up young players not ready for 1st grade already. The players have tried their es off, but they just don't have enough with the injuries their team has sustained.

Am I mental?! Long read but important...Wow?

Do you have any problems at home? Maybe you just really crave a perfect life. Just remember, if you like someone, it's much more satisfying to talk to them, rather than become obsessed with them.

1yr old only eats cheerios and cheese?

Anyone have a little one around the age of 1 yr who will only eat select finger foods? My little one will only eat cheerios and cheese chunks on his own. One meal a day he will let us feed him and we'll try and get a meat and veggie down through the Gerber 3rds. He usually doesn't want us to feed him though. Is this normal for this age? I worry of course he's not get enough nutrients through meat and veggies. He drinks his formula pretty good but not too much. He puts a lot of finger foods in his mouth- chews them up for awhile and spits them out. Odd.

Is there a personal loan offers without upfront fees?

I am looking for a personal unsecured loan between 5,000 and 15,000 all i can find are loan companies that say for this amount for upfront fee we can give you a loan I have been wared that these are supposedly scams.

Do you think the jersey knit bridesmaid dresses are formal?

Alfred Angelo has this kinda new collection of bridesmaid dresses that are made of jersey knit and I thought they might be a good idea. They look comfortable and are reasonably priced for a bridesmaid dress. However my wedding is formal and in the evening, even in a long dress is jersey knit all the formal? I was thinking as saying they could pick of one these 2 dresses a href="http://www.alfredangelo.com/Collections/ProductDisplay.aspx?productID=6c6698da-d583-44ad-a8a3-e28085eee6f2&categoryID=b7a59a7c-2934-461a-9e5f-8478ce891ddf&pg=1" rel="nofollow"http://www.alfredangelo.com/Collections/…/a or a href="http://www.alfredangelo.com/Collections/ProductDisplay.aspx?productID=31315a07-3cc9-47f9-a026-33909ed04b55&categoryID=b7a59a7c-2934-461a-9e5f-8478ce891ddf&pg=1" rel="nofollow"http://www.alfredangelo.com/Collections/…/a but I don't want them under dressed. I know something like this is formal enough a href="http://www.alfredangelo.com/Collections/ProductDisplay.aspx?productID=af0ac9f2-e924-4367-8505-52b60f1bbd3f&categoryID=772f03c9-de43-4942-bfa0-da77e21ebd65&pg=0" rel="nofollow"http://www.alfredangelo.com/Collections/…/a but it is like every other ugly bridesmaid dress.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Help me plz3?

he said i must follow his word.becoz he is a guy even he doesn't allow me to do M.S.he said that iam earning the what u want u plz become a housewife.i allways say plz change for me and change ur attitude.Basically my life aim is to help needy n poor people.oneday a 8years guy left from home so i took the boy back to his home becoz of that iam not attending for my internal exam.he said dont to those thing i dont like my wife roming on the roads to search a house(iam took the boy to home so ihave search for the house which i dont know the area).after a discussion i promised dont repeat it in future. this is his mentality.i love him vey much so iam going very close to him.what i mean is not totally but kisses etc.i decide either i married him or to live singlely.my problem is i think if i marry him i lost my freedom n life.if not i dont no.

Who was Skatamoosh in the song by Queen?

In the song Bohemian Rhapsody. I know he was an Italian clown who wore black pants..but that's all know..educate me!

Is the achilles heal named such after the greek achilles being shot through his ankle?

they started calling it Achilles tendon back in 1690 prior to that it was called the Achilles chord / heel. so basically yes

Do you think Jesus has a sense of humor?

The Bible portrays Jesus during His earthly ministry as being a pretty serious guy. Why not?After all, He had the weight of the world on His shoulders. Yet I wonder, inasmuch as the medical profession admits that laughter is good medicine, and Proverbs 17:22 says "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine", do you suppose that if He was here today He would enjoy sitting in the audience while Steve Martin or Robin Williams did their comedy routines?

Can I root for libertarians, Socialists, liberals and conservatives so that I'm happy in any political climate?

You can, but when you follow the blogs you have to be able to cut through the rhetoric and have an understanding for what the truth is. This requires you to keep informed, to know about logical thinking, and have a mindset that allows you to see the truth in an argument without getting yourself upset with all the non-truths that come with it. You already seem capable of thinking for yourself without following some party line and accompanying sound bites.

Should we coax our friend out of the closet?

I have a really good guy friend who my rommate and I (who is also a close friend of his) have recently found out is gay. For a long time he's been really sneaky about who he's dating and couldn't seem to keep his story straight about several "girls" that he hangs out with when we're not around, so we've been pretty suspicious. So we got curious and did some creative research on myspace, and found out that what we've thought all along is confirmed. He's totally gay. Which isn't a problem in the slightest. Our entire group of friends loves him for who is is, not who he dates. The problem now is that I don't know whether to confront him about it or just let it be. On the one hand, I don't feel like it's my place to call him out on it. If he hasn't told us by now he's obviously uncomfortable about it so I don't want to "out" him by telling him that I know. On the other hand, he's been basically living a double life, which has to be exhausting. I kind of feel like I'd be doing him a favor by telling him that we know, so he doesn't have to keep lying about it. What should I do?

Did you ever watch The Jay Leno Show? If you did, what did you think of it?

I watched The Jay Leno Show the little time it was on, and I liked it. What's so horrible about a prime time talk show? So the ratings for the news dropped slightly, so what.

A question for Christians.?

I would like to know why ...when we are asked a question about where people will spend eternity...does not the scriptures tell us what will and what will not enter heaven...Ephesians 5 v 1-6.... Galatians 5 v16-21 ...this tell us plainly what will not inherit the kingdom of God...if we answer the questions as they are asked...we are not being judgemental...we are speaking truth.....I ask this with a humble spirit...Thank you

I have yahoo 7.0 evrything works but the audibles, I like them, how do I make it work?

Are they showing as zip files? If so, you must have Winzip or Winrar to unzip and load them to your computer to make your audibles work.

Le petit Nicolas a des ennuis?

can someone give me a good summary of what happens in "le petit nicolas a des ennuis" like 500-600 words, thanks or a link to it :) thanks

PLEASE HELP, I have a herniated ambilical?

i am 4 weeks postpardum and ive had a herniated umbilical since late pregnancy. i can feel the hernia under my belly on and it didnt bother me before but now its starting to hurt a bit, i used to feed my daughter and she would kind of sit on my belly but now i cant feed her that way because it hurts to put pressure on it. should i be worried. i thought it might go away on its own but it dosent seem to be getting any better

Stop re acting about the situation in Iran.?

Can we please stop all this bull about invading Iran, or dropping Bombs on Iran etc. To any of you who have never been on active service do not realise the consequences of what your suggesting. Do not underestimate the Military power of Iran. The y have a well trained Army, an Air force that is bigger than ours andmaybe better equipped. plus a good navy. They are no pushover. They have nuclear weapons and are a force to be reckoned with. The marines that arre in custody were arrested because they were inside the 3 mile limit, and Britain would have done the same if Iranian commandos were in the English channel. So before you speak, think!! This will be resolved through diplomatic channels.

Do they still sing waltzing matilda at the footy?

just wondering cause im going t the footy tonight (australia vs south africa)and i havent seen it for a while and its an awesome feeling standing in the crowd with the entire stadium singing along.

Don't you just hate people who...?

Don't you just hate people who are dissing HP? I mean, it's a book series! People like it. I'm talking about these users online here. Like someone named Flower and another one name Potter Hater.

How to get rid of a sore throat by tomorrow?

hey bebe take zinc folic acid vitimin c also take honey gargle with hyrodgen peroxide kills all bacteria in the mouth zinc folic acid kills bacteria fungus in the body colds yeast infections other skin infections

Where can I get some good pieces to practice roman numeral ysis on?

I'm a college student, and I feel like I'm falling behind in roman numeral ysis in my harmony cl. I'm a piano major, and I want to go into composing in the future, so this is important. Anyone know of any good clical pieces that I can yze for practice?

I'm going to the espn zone in Anaheim, CA.?

i was wondering how much i should bring. im just going there to eat dinner and not looking to spend anything outrageous. also what should i eat there?

How much should I save?

Good girl!That's the Q one should ask oneself well in time.To help you I'd suggest you to start saving 25% minimum for your survival in future.The more the better but not at the cost of your health!

What sweet things does your husband do for you?

Random wonderful things. For example, tonight I didn't feel all that well, not terrible but I have had a cold for the last couple days so i'm just not feeling great. He took our two children 3 yrs and 3 months out to do all the grocery shopping for the week and told me to stay home and relax. I love him so much!

Would you read this story?

That's a really good, creative idea! I personally wouldn't buy it, but I prefer books about vampyres and fallen angels and human death and zombies...hah but an animal lover would defiantly like that book! I honestly just don't' really like animals that much though. What kind of animal is it? That sounds really interesting! :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Is it worth playing by the rules anymore?

from bankers to immigrants to seeing to it that Nic Griffin faced a lynch mob last night................is it worth playing by the rules anymore as it seems to me the people that get ahead in life are people who have no regard for any rules?

California Smog question?

Ok so 1 year ago I sold my car to a guy "as is" and immediately turned in the release of Liability to DMV. Right after he got the car he switched the license plate to another car and went to jail. He got the car back and DMV told him he had to smog it before he can complete the reg. Now he is calling me and saying that I am responsible for the smog. The car was smoged before he got it but I cant remember if I had a smog slip. I don't think I did but either way after him having it for one year and getting it taken away from him am I still responsible. Any links you get the info from would be great. No negative comments please Im just asking to be sure before I dish out money unnessisarly.

No stitches in the paw?

Vet is correct. They generally don't stitch pads - pads are not the same as skin. It is still important for vet to view & fully clean wound. Antibiotics are not freely given anymore so your dog doesn't build up a resistance & will be able to treated effectively later if necessary. I'm glad you took your dog instead of making excuses.

Question for true atheists: do you have the privilege to use following words take a look?

Hey, guess what? YOU ARE WRONG! Not to mention in violation of the guarantee of freedom of speech that everyone in the good ol' USA enjoys.

Should i retake the SAT?

want to go to UNC-Chapel Hill, and want to know if i should take it again. I got a 2050 on the SAT and i got a 31 on my act. I have a 3.995 unweighted GPA have taken 4 Ap cles over the past two years, and all my other cles are honors, two are considered AP calibur, and are the highest you can go in your respective subjects. I play two sports am in 5 clubs, 4 of which i have leadership roles in. Do you think i can get into UNC chapel hill with my ACT/SAT score

A paradox in Taylor Polynomials?

In Taylor's formula with remainder, I know that f(x) = P_n (x) + R_n (x), where P_n (x) is the nth-degree Taylor polynomial of f at c and R_n (x) is the Taylor remainder. If lim n->oo R_n (x) = 0, then as n increases, P_n (x) -> f(x); hence the approximation formula f(x) ~ P_n (x) improves as n gets larger. So, let's say we use the first two nonzero terms of the Maclaurin series for sin x to obtain the approximation formula sin x ~ x - x^3/3!. We could write the expression on the right as P_3 (x). As n increases, R_n (x) gets more closer to 0 and the maximum approximation error will also gets closer to 0.

How much should the baby weigh by now?

im 21 weeks and 4 days pregnant...i went to the doctor on jan 12 and had a sonogram and found out im having a boy...the doctor said he weighed about 8 ounces and that it was normal at that time...but i was wondering how long it is??like how many inches??and should he have gained a couple more ounces since then or no??

Finding moles and concentration in a titration problem?

Unknown molarity of KHP is titrated with 0.1M NaOH. It took 37.6mL of NaOH to titrate 25mL of KHP that was pre-mixed with 20mLof distilled water. Moles of each ion has to be calculated and I know that moles = molarity(M) x volume(L) but I'm not sure which volume to use. For example, to find the moles of Na+, should I use the volume that NaOH takes to titrate the solution or the total volume of the solution itself? And how can you find the moles of the ions that makes up KHP?

What Is Your Opinion On Death?

Not afraid of death (just the process leading up to it); when I die, I die. Im worm-food. Unless I get cremated, then I will grace a mantle in a vase for a very long time.

Is a scientific fact something that is a absolute and unchanging?

No, a scientific fact is something that can be verified by other people by following a described procedure. If the fact is more closely examined or the conditions change, the fact may be reformatted. Largest and clearest example is Newton's Laws of Motion which are still perfectly good if you stay within the limits of his times. It is when you add large long term accelerations, great speeds, etc., that they breakdown and Relativity is required to explain the motion.

Do you think we did the right thing by giving the stranger money?

Ok...so it was about 90 degrees outside.. we were at the mall.. aguy came up to me uming and/or hoping that i spoke spanish.. and explained to me that his car hd no gas and he had money at home but he had no gas to get home and his wife and daughters were in the car waiting.. He offerd to give me his drivers license in return for letting him borrow $5 for gas and he would give me $20 when he got back for letting him use the $5. I personally thought it was ridiculous and would not be able to sleep at night for taking a $15 gain on his "misfortune" so we let him have $5 and that was that... (although it took some convincing on our part to get him to agree... he didnt want something for nothing) Was it wrong of us to help him if we didnt know for sure if he was telling the truth? I dont regret our decision i saw something in his eyes that showed sincerety..but would anyone else had done this?

What job can I get if I was to do zoology at university? ?

You can go into fields of work such as conservation, zoo keeper, marine animal keeper and animal researcher. The Zoology degree will basically allow you to do mainly zoo-based jobs and work in conservation.

Guns N Roses COMA live?

if you are a GNR freak like me, you know that the song Coma was only performed live a handfull of times. One of those is a bonus track on the JAPANESE version of LIVE ERA 87-93. No other edition has Coma live ONLY the japanese version. In 1999 Axl gave the song to KNAC.COM so that american fans could download it for free. That has since been removed from Knac.com. I was wondering if anyone knew where i could download it free.(i would not like to use limewire) A MILLION THANKS TO ANTONE WHO CAN HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dems- isn't it nice to have the DNC think for you?

As an ex-Floridian, I'm pissed that Obama and Edwards didn't stand up to Howard Dean and insist that these two states' votes count, if for no other reason than they're important in the general election. I'm pissed at the whole stupid thing. I don't like HRC at *all*, but she called it right when she courted Florida and Michigan. I'm grateful that Howard Dean didn't become our president. I am going with Obama, but it's more of a "lesser of two evils" thing than an enthusiastic level of support.