Saturday, January 7, 2012

I scd a layer of skin off my hand, It's leaking a bit, Help?

The yellowish liquid may be simply the water and ointment you put on it, or the yellowish tinge could potentially be puss (not necessarily though), and it may be watery from a natural source like sweat. When you wash it with water and soap make sure to thoroughly dry it (keep in mind that until it scabs water does get beneath the skin since it is opened). Apply the neosporin a few times a day and keep it covered constantly, it is a big myth that uncovered wounds heal faster than covered wounds it is actually quite the opposite. If you notice discoloration around the area that is not from an initial bruise and/or deposits then see a doctor as it is infected. For the moment follow those directions, and keep an eye out on it you should be just fine.

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