Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How could an explosion have occured adjacent to where the plane struck the south tower if the plane's fuel ta

in the videos of the plane striking the south wtc, an explosion occurs NORTH of the point of impact after the plane strikes. Most people probably ume that the fuel/fuel tank was housed in the nose of the plane, and that it therefore makes sense that the explosion would occur near the nose of the plane when the fuel tank ruptured. But the fact is that most planes, including the one that struck the south tower, actually carry fuel in their wings. I am not a conspiracy theorist, but I really don't see any way the explosion could have occured where the nose struck (north of the impact zone) when the fuel which caused the explosion was located in the wings of the plane (east and west of the impact zone). Shouldn't the explosion have occured to the east and/or west of where the plane struck (since that is where the wings/fuel tank were)?

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