Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Do australians really want another three years of fear and increased costs of living?

Is that a question or an opinion? A fairly niave opinion at that. And who is this real man you speak of? Kevin Rudd? You have to be kidding. Do you think this phoney is going to manage the economy better, withdraw our token troop presents in Iraq or seriously address climate change. Labour and the unions will do what they always have done when in power. Spend, spend, spend. Stuff up the economy, lower productivity, increase unemployment and interest rates then hand it back to the coalition to fix. If you think Kevin Rudd will be running things think again. The unions, who represent approx 15% of public and private section workers will have the raines and boy or boy will they want their moment in the sun. And anyone who thinks Rud and the unions will rip up WorkChoices, will be sorely disappointed. WorkChoices is just another name for Hawke and Keatings industrial relation revelution in the early 1990's. They set the platform, the coalition simply finished the job. Seriously mate, lift your eyes, Australia is an insignificant fraction of the worlds economy. The issues you raise as they relate to Australia barely rate a blimp on the worlds radar. 1500 troops. Seriously. It is local and demonstic policy that is at stake here. Rudd has a bag full of slogans, hand jestures and nothing else. If elected he and his union buddies will do what Labour has always done when in power. Run the country into the ground. That alone will set Australia back 11 years and the things that are important to you will never get addressed. At least with a strong economy there is a chance things will happen. Under Kevin Rudd's lead union government, not a chance.

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