Saturday, December 31, 2011

What do men think of divorced women?

I'm 23 and have never been married and have no kids. I'm "talking" to my ex that I've been exclusive with for 3 and half years, but we broke up back in February and are working on getting back together....just trying to work better on communication and friendship. He is 26 and never been married. We were engaged to be married last May, but things didn't work out financially and we weren't living right. Anyways, there's this skank from his work that is 25 with no kids and just got divorced from her husband. She liked my boyfriend before and tried to get with him, but he told her he was with me and to stay with her husband. He did say that he thought she was attractive, but he couldn't see himself with her because she doesn't want kids and stuff. Well now we are broke up and she is divorced and trying to come after him again. My ex still has my engagement ring and still talks to me. Should I be worried about her? Sorry, I know this may be a little weird or immature...I'm just kinda worried:(

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